WHEN WILL JESUS REIGN BE OVER Luke 1:31-33; Psalms 89:1-5,27-29; - TopicsExpress


WHEN WILL JESUS REIGN BE OVER Luke 1:31-33; Psalms 89:1-5,27-29; Psalms 132:11 Jesus is known as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords Revelation 19:16 - Rev 17:14. Jesus kingship was not established when He came to this world.The letter to the Hebrew 13:8 says Jesus is the same yesterday,the same today and the same forever. Most offices in the world have tenure. Some one year, some two, some four etc.Most kingship expires with the death of the king. But Jesuss reign started before He was born . In Matthew 2:2 When the wise men came to Jerusalem, they were asking for the king of the Jews that was born. The fact that Jesus is king caused a lot of trouble in His days.Herod was afraid and wanted to eliminate Jesus for fear that Jesus will take over the kingdom. When Pilate asked Jesus, are you the king of the Jews? Jesus answered It is you who say it.Jesus established that, that was the reason He was born. Ephesians 1:20-23 says God raised Christ from the dead and made Him sit at His right hand in heaven, for above every sovereignty,authority,power or domination,or any name that can be named not only in this age, but also in the age to come.He has put all things under His feet and made Him as the ruler of everything,the head of the church, which is His body, the fulness of Him who fills the whole creation. When the angel Gabriel was giving the message to Mary in Luke 1:31-33, the angel said And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call his mane Jesus.He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give Him the throne of his father David and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of His kingdom there will be no end. This message is a fulfillment of the promise that God made to David in 2Samuel 7:12-16 when he wanted to build a house for Him.This lead to the birth of the Messiah. In Isaiah 9:6-7 the prophet said unto us a child is born, unto us a child is given, and his government shall be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everylasting Father, Prince of Peace, His reign will have no end. Our response today is in Psalms 89:1-5 I will sing forever of the mercies of the Lord for ever, with my mouth, I will make known thy faithfulness to all generations. I will declare that your steadfast love is established for ever, your faithfulness is as firm as the heavens. You said I have made a covenant with my chosen one, I have sworn to my servant David, I will establish your descendant forever,and build your throne for all generation. Psalms 132:11 says the Lord has sworn to David, he will not turn from it,of the friut of thy body will I sit upon thy throne. Revelation 11:15 There were loud voices in Heaven the world has now become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever. Daniel 7:13-14 Behold,one like the son of man, coming with clouds of heaven!then to Him was given Dominion and Glory and a kingdom, that all peoples,nations and language,should serve Him.His Dominion is an Everylasting Dominion, which shall not pass away and His kingdom the one which shall not be destroyed. This is like saying Jesus will always be in charge of the world and its control forever. I pray that Gods reign will extend to every part of your life in Jesus name. Prayer Pray God will take you to sit with Him in His throne where He reign, Ephesians 2:6 so that you too can reign.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:51:14 +0000

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