WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP? Some fans are still happy to - TopicsExpress


WHEN WILL THE MADNESS STOP? Some fans are still happy to financially support the club based on hope and suggestions that everything will be alright Others have removed all financial support and decided to do so of their own free will as Im unaware of any group that has made that decision for them. For our club to be fully successful and as successful as possible we require stewardship that is trusted to allow the full support to be fully financially supportive again and we certainly dont have that at the moment. What will it take to get us there, simply, clarity. Yet again today we have agreed a commercial contract with no details and I honestly cant remember the last time we done a commercial contract that was launched with the details of who it was with, how long it was for and how much it will bring in to the club. You can hide behind stock market rules all day but the truth is other PLC clubs are able to disclose these details. If and its still an if in my mind, Ashley wants to take control of our club then we need to know what his plans are and how hes going to achieve them, then and only then can our club be as successful as it can be if the contracts are fair and the fans can start to build trust with any potential controller of our club. Once the clarity is Thera and trust can be built, then and only then can we expect fill financial support from our massive fan base. Is this possible? Only time will tell and unfortunately if time as given to the wrong people then when the contracts do eventually surface as they always do then it may be too late again. Give us clarity please, our fans deserve it and its the only way to move forward. Blind hope wont work anymore.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 17:28:28 +0000

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