“WHEN YOU COME UP EMPTY” Luke 5 records the second miracle - TopicsExpress


“WHEN YOU COME UP EMPTY” Luke 5 records the second miracle of Jesus and it applies to each one of us. Jesus was standing by the Sea of Galilee with a large crowd around listening to Him speak. He noticed two empty boats nearby so got in one of them, was pushed away from shore and He sat down and continued teaching. When He finished speaking He told Simon (Peter) to go out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch. Peter resisted a bit because not only was he a professional fisherman, but he and some other disciples had been on that water fishing all night long and caught nothing. However, Peter said, “BECAUSE YOU SAY SO, I WILL LET DOWN THE NETS” (VS 4). It’s always a good idea to do what Jesus says! The greatest fishing story ever is about to unfold. When the nets were dropped in the water they caught such a large number of fish their nets began to break. They signaled to their partners who brought another boat. Both boats were so filled with fish they began to sink. What happened? These were the same fishermen, on the same lake, in the same boat and close to same proximity of time. The truth is, we are all fishing for something. For some it is acceptance, a job, a spouse, or a friend. You have worked hard and given it everything you’ve got, but are still coming up empty. Now what? Let’s learn from the fishermen. 1) GIVE JESUS COMPLETE ACCESS TO YOUR LIFE : If you want to go from emptiness to overflowing, you have to let Jesus in your boat. The disciples had fished all night. They had worked very hard and caught nothing. But now, they aren’t fishing by themselves anymore. “HE GOT INTO ONE OF THE BOATS, THE ONE BELONGING TO SIMON…” (vs. 3). What is in your boat? It may be how you make a living. It might be your relationships, or lack of. The boat represents how the disciples made a living. Simon gave his boat to Jesus. What you are fishing for without success, give your life source to Jesus and let Him be in charge of the catch. 2) WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO HAVE JESUS IN YOUR BOAT? It means everything you have or desire is dedicated to Jesus. Surrender and dedicate your marriage, family, career, EVERYTHING…totally and completely to Jesus for His use. Talk to the Lord and say, “I’m failing in this area of my life (spell it out to Him) and from this moment on, I give it to you. Help me to do and be what You want me to be, but all I have is yours.” What made the difference in the lives of these fishermen? Jesus got in their boat and they no longer fished alone. He is standing by and waiting for your invitation to join you. Pastor Carnes
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 04:29:33 +0000

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