WHERE ARE THE CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD? My questions is: WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? CANT YOU SEE THE WAR AGAINST YOU AS WAS PROPHESIED BY YAHUSHUA MESSIAH (CHRIST) IN MATTHEW 24:3-15 youtube/watch?v=frjJzacZuFo THERE IS A HUGE WAR WHICH HAS LONG BEEN GOING ON IN THE SPIRITUAL REALMS ---A WAR WHICH YOUR EYES CANNOT SEE BUT YOUR BODY CAN FEEL. THE IMPACT OF THIS SPIRITUAL WAR GOING ON RIGHT NOW BETWEEN OUR FATHER-YHWH ELOHIMS ANGELIC FORCES AND LUCIFER AND HIS DEMONS WHOM YOUR GOVERNMENTS CALL ALIENS JUST TO DECEIVE YOU. The End-time War and destructions which Yahushua Messiah (Christ) called The Great Tribulation which will lead to the fearful day of YHWH Elohim the Almighty God; the beginning and the End; the Yes and the No---the Everlasting Holy One. Yes! this Great Tribulation has long started without the notice of majority of Christians all over the world. What did you think was the main cause of TERRORISM, ISIS, BOKO HARAM, AL QAEDA, Ebola, Hiv-Aids, Cancers, and many other human killers which have been killing people around you? This is the very End-Time. No Joke! No one knows the very date of the End-Only our father- YHWH Elohim, the Almighty God and Creator and Owner of the entire Universe...Everything Everywhere. Onyima!!! Onyika-odoro- only him (Elohim) knows the date of Armageddon and that of our moving into the New Jerusalem (The New Planet Earth). ON BEHALF OF YHWH ELOHIM, THE ALMIGHTY GOD, I, ENGR. OBIOHA EZEKWESIRI (ICT); THE LAST MESSENGER OF YAHUSHUA MESSIAH (CHRIST) DO HERE CALL ON ALL TRUE CHRISTIANS ALL OVER THE WORLD TO GET READY TO RUN INTO YHWH ELOHIM (The Mountain) AND ALSO TO DEFEND THEMSELVES IF ATTACKED. AN ESTIMATED 6.5 BILLION PEOPLE ARE TO BE KILLED BY THE NEW WORLD ORDER. MOSTLY CHRISTIANS ARE BEING SYSTEMATICALLY KILLED AS WE SPEAK. ACCORDING THE HOLY BOOK OF REVELATION. A 3RD OF THE WORLDS POPULATION WOULD BE KILLED BY LUCIFER AND HIS DEMONS IN CO-OPERATION WITH UNITED NATIONS COUNTRIES, THE VATICAN, ISLAM, ILLUMINATI, FREEMASONRY, BILDERBERG, ZIONISTS, JESUITS, KNIGHTS, POLITICIANS OF EVERY COUNTRY IN THIS WORLD. THIS IS THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF LUCIFER/SATAN (ALL NIGERIAN POLITICIANS ARE ALSO INVOLVED). THEY ARE LYING AND PLAYING BLAME GAMES BETWEEN GOODLUCK AND BUHARI. HERE ARE PROOFS IN CASE OF THOSE WHO DOUBT THIS INFORMATION: 1. Here is the New World Order of Satan directly linked to United Nations godskyearth.org/ 2.Here is the New World Order of Satans Official Website (Be careful because they promise a lot of money=not for true Christians) godskyearth.org/home.html 3. Then here you have their Allocations to each of the 190 member countries=just go through the list and confirm how much your leaders sold you to the New World Order of Lucifer/Satan=Antichrist. See how much monies your president and Politicians sold your country to the New World Order of the Antichrist—See how much Nigeria was sold for… godskyearth.org/uploads/1/4/3/9/14395820/swissindo_exhibit_ab_global_funds_2013-04-10.pdf The Antichrist Empire Since 2000 years ago when Yahushua Messiah (Christ) foretold that the false prophets and Antichrist shall emerge, true Christians have ever kept their eyes open in expectation of who this Antichrist would be. Finally, the Antichrist emerged as Mr. Sino from Indonesia. Here is his address to the world. Swissindo: Antichrist address to the world global finance change: Mr. Sino represents Lucifer of New World Order: youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=frjJzacZuFo Antichrist connection to United Nations: godskyearth.org/ Antichrist’s Official Website godskyearth.org/home.html This call aims to wake up every Christian in Planet Earth to action. The war is not against innocent Muslims who are also victim of bitter Spiritual Fraud committed against the true children of Ishmael by Vatican. However, be prepared wherever you are and be vigilant but also be equipped to defend yourselves and your loved ones. Yes you need weapon to be able to defend yourselves. Do not shoot first but if you and/or your family is threatened with death, then fight to finish while you endeavour to do the fist recommendation from Yahushua Messiah (Christ)-Run away to the mountains. The first Spiritual Mountain is YHWH Elohim. Run into him by dropping all your sins so that you can regain spiritual powers to be able to fight this war. This call is not a call to neglect. THE WORLD IS ARE WAR NEW WORLD ORDER OF LUCIFER UNDER VATICAN IS KILLING PEOPLE ALL OVER THE WORLD. REPENT NOW TO BE AMONG THOSE TO BE SAVED BY YAHUSHUA MESSIAH (CHRIST) HALLELUWYAH!!!!!!! Engr. Obioha Ezekwesiri (ICT) Servant of YHWH Elohim Last Messenger of Yahushua Messiah (Christ) For more information on the Holy Kingdom of Biafra Click here: https://facebook/groups/BiafranUnityTelevision/ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS THE ANTICHRIST-HE HAS APPEARED AND TAKEN OVER POWER WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 20:32:20 +0000

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