WHERE ARE THEY NOW?? This is the last in a week long series of - TopicsExpress


WHERE ARE THEY NOW?? This is the last in a week long series of updates on some of my World hosts. I hope you have enjoyed them!! Tonight I will share an update on a host who actually travels more than me!!!! Wait until you read what HARVEY LEWIS has been up to since hosting me in PORTUGAL!!! One of the worlds elite ultra marathoners, Harvey hosted me as part of his Run Quest Travel adventure tour. The photo he shared is a screen shot of one of the many TV features and intereviews he gave after winning the Badwater 135 race in July. (not in the background a little Thank You package from me and Parker I gave him with a mini-me!! I was on TV!!! :-) (I also attached a few fav photos from our trip!!) 1.) WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN UP TO SINCE HOSTING ME? Harvey: Life has been been a little busy and very exciting since you and I were in Portugal with our RunQuest Travel Adventure!! As you know, I was training hard for Badwater, the 135 mile race close to Death Valley in July. Well, I actually won the race finishing in just under 24 hours!! It was a lifelong dream - and it came true thanks to my running crew and so many friends and supporters!!! It is so important to have a strong support group who believe in you, and mine includes my girlfriend, Kelly. After the race, she and I took a long week to rest and relax together in Iceland. A few weeks ago, I started teaching again at Cincinnatis School for Creative and Performing Arts. They are an inspiring group of kids!! This week I did a photo shoot for Runners World Magazine. Oh and this weekend I am racing in the North Coast 24 Hour Endurance Race. Im excited to join some great friends as we race around a loop that is just under a mile in distance along Lake Erie at Clevelands Edgewater Park. We will all see how many miles we can do in 24 hours!!! Other than that, life has been relatively calm and quiet…. :-) 2.) FAVORITE MEMORY OF HOSTING ME? Harvey: I really enjoyed hosting you in Portugal for our inaugural trip. Highlights include you and I doing a race together in Lisbon and just sharing in the entire experience with Parker and all your friends. Everyone in our RunQuest group loved having you with us!!! Another memory that stands out was sharing Meg Cross Menzies story to friends across the world. I think it was great you wore her shirt while we ran. She and her family were in our thoughts and prayers throughout the trip. Running for them and getting to know them adds more meaning to life. 3.) MESSAGE FOR PARKER? Harvey: I think of Parker often and feel united with him. Tell him he has great strength and is an inspiration! It was an honor to run for Parker and Meg. I will continue to FINISH STRONG. And I hope you do as well in your race against Leukemia!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:08:47 +0000

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