WHERE ARE YOU MOM? I missed you yesterday, And looked for you - TopicsExpress


WHERE ARE YOU MOM? I missed you yesterday, And looked for you among the artifacts of your life.Your room with pictures, the clothes that still carried your scent, Your favorite tools and books, The tapes you loved to hear. The very walls echoed your vitality and carried faint memories or riotous laughter, And so I sat there, comforted for a while,but forced at last to confess,that although beautiful memories lingered,you were not there, not then and never again. If I could not find you yesterday, where, then, can I look today? Who can I talk to, implore, beg to show me the way? Where are the hidden doorways to the signs and wonders others claim to see? My musings bring me no answers, so I must take a walk to clear my mind. Ahead, I see children playing, and their laughter floating on the wind,reminds me of your own carefree approach to life. Their running mirrors your own abandon and the way you always found joy in simple things. Can this be the answer to the riddle of finding you again? Or can it be that I will hear you in every moment of laughter? Love Your Son, Brian 1. My Pam girl, my heart aches for your presence daily. I miss all the things that you would say and do, at the time I needed to hear them. It is so lonely not to have you here. I find comfort in knowing that you, Lemont, DMarco and DuJuan are together, and that nothing can ever harm you again! Love you twin girl! Mom 2. You and Rolland Can Rest In Peace! 3. My Dear Pam, Baby girl, as I sometimes called you. I am so honnoored to have known you. You brought energy to me every time you came to visit us at school. Thank you so much. I will remember your smile and kind words, always. I will remember how much love, attention and respect you showed your mother. I will remember your kindness, your giving spirit and the love you showed your family. Your service to others will never be forgotten and will serve as an example to others. Without a doubt, your spirit lives on! Your work is done, rest now, baby girl. REST!!!! Much Love 4. Pam, I am blessed to be able to call you my friend, my sister. We share a bond that will never be broken and memoies that can never, ever, be erased. Thank you for the memories. I love you.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 07:21:35 +0000

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