WHERE DID PROPHECY WATCHERS GET ITS NAME? It was late July of - TopicsExpress


WHERE DID PROPHECY WATCHERS GET ITS NAME? It was late July of 2013 and Gary and I had just finished up the 1st Pikes Peak Prophecy Summit in Colorado Springs. Prophecy conferences create enormous workloads for the conference planner (Bob) and the support staff and usually its time to physically and mentally collapse from sheer exhaustion. This year my wife and I had made some well-deserved recovery plans with our close friends, L.A. and Peggy Marzulli. We wanted to take the Marzullis to one of our favorite places on Earth, Ouray, Colorado and it was only a few hours away. While we were enjoying the cross-country, post-conference drive through Gods country in western Colorado we took the Marzullis to some of our favorite places. Some of the stories from this trip are the stuff of legend and L.A. and I laugh at ourselves and our death-defying adventures all the time. It was a great trip and our two families grew even closer. L.A. and Peggy are two of our very best friends. For some time L.A. has desired to start his own television ministry. While we were in Colorado together he shared his heart with me and expressed frustration that his books and DVDs were not widely disseminated. He was wholly dependent on other people inviting him to their television program. Other than his blog and speaking engagements, he had no outlet to share his message. His ground-breaking work deserves a larger audience! After all, who else is out there on the trail of the Nephilim? No one! We began to talk about a strategy that would help him and his long-time partner and video producer, Richard Shaw, develop their own television ministry. Since I had been the main television programmer for PITN for over 20 years, naturally he asked me for my advice. One night we paid a visit to one of my familys favorite restaurants, Handlebars, in Silverton, Colorado. Wed been there 2 or 3 times over the years and wanted to share this unique place with our good friends. While we were there chatting about L.A.s television plans and dreams, we began to discuss potential names for his new ministry. The first name he suggested was Politics, Prophecy & the Supernatural, the title of one of his books. I told him that this name was too long and wouldnt fit into the TV Guide! Then he proposed Watchers TV, Richard Shaws favorite. I didnt like that one either because most of the world has no idea what the word Watchers implies. I felt the word prophecy needed to be in the name to attract a biblical audience. So I combined the two titles and suggested Prophecy Watchers. He kind of shrugged his shoulders but in the meantime I pulled out my iPhone and checked the availability of the URL address, a critical part of any ministry that desires an Internet presence. To my utter shock and surprise, it was AVAILABLE! This was the clincher for me! So I asked him if he wanted me to buy the URL on the spot while I had it pulled up on my phone. He did, so I took out my personal credit card and bought it for him that night ... in Handlebars ... right there in the restaurant! I couldnt believe his good fortune! But let me be clear—I bought it for L.A.Marzulli and HIS new start-up ministry! It was July 31st, 2013 and it was done over a cheeseburger and chili! When L.A. returned home and met with Richard, he discovered that Richard didnt like the name Prophecy Watchers at all. He preferred Watchers TV and felt that would be more in line with their Watchers DVD series and a partly- secular audience. He thought the word prophecy would scare some people away who needed to hear the message. I couldnt disagree. So that URL address went into relative dormancy, only to be resurrected close to a full year later when Gary and I began laying plans for the Prophecy Watchers. Little did we know that this gift from God, a unique URL address that says exactly who we are, would be used by US for OUR new ministry! In fact, L.A. and I often laugh about the irony of that moment. One time, in our typical give and take exchanges, he even sarcastically accused me of stealing his ministry name! Sorry L.A. Now that you have made Watchers TV a reality, we wish you nothing but the best as you follow your own unique calling from the Lord. L.A., thank you for your accidental part in the birth of the Prophecy Watchers! You are a good friend!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:51:00 +0000

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