WHERE DID WE COME FROM? Surprisingly there may be a direct link - TopicsExpress


WHERE DID WE COME FROM? Surprisingly there may be a direct link between the Rosetta mission to explore a comet and life on Earth. All Life is made of organic compounds. Tiny Amino Acids - the building blocks of life that exists in every living things - plants, fish, trees, germs and of course humans. The Philae lander confirmed the existence of organic compounds on the Comet. This confirms the theory that all life originated on Earth from seeds of organic compounds landing on Earth from comets. But Earth may not be alone - our Galaxy alone has an estimated 60 *Billion* Earth-like planets and there are 150 Billion galaxies in the observable universe! The universe may be teeming with life which originated from the seeds that came on comets. What an amazing thought! Watch this fantastic short Ted-Ed video that explains a bit more about this concept: youtu.be/EnnPJXbKt0U
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 22:30:44 +0000

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