WHERE IS ALLAH? => Unit 8 Continuation on the VIEW OF THE - TopicsExpress


WHERE IS ALLAH? => Unit 8 Continuation on the VIEW OF THE #FOUR RENOWNED #IMAMS THAT CONFIRMS ALLAH IS ABOVE HIS SEVEN HEAVENS, ABOVE HIS ARSHE, SEPARATED FROM HIS CREATURES, AND HIS CREATURES ARE SEPARATED FROM HIM. ¤ IMAM AHMAD BIN HAMBAL He was asked: Is Allah above His Arsh, above the seventh heaven, separate from His creatures, and is His knowledge and power encompassing everything everywhere? He replied: CERTAINLY, HE IS ABOVE HIS ARSH AND NOTHING ESCAPES HIS KNOWLEDGE. [Al-Juyush al-Islamiyyah, Ibn al-Qayyim, p. 123] All of the VIEWS apart from the Quranic and Ahadith proofs that is mentioned in this discussion show that; the entire Muslim Ummah, in the past and present, is in unison regarding the belief in the Loftiness and Supremacy of Allah Subhanahu Wa Taaalaa. _____________ Adherents of certain deviant sects promote a false belief that Allah is omnipresent Who inheres in His creation. Rational arguments are deadly available to refute the blasphemy of the Jahmites and those who try to revive their belief today. To prove that Allah is above His Arsh, and above the seventh heaven in a manner that suits His Majesty, the Imam of Ahlus-Sunnah (Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal), may Allah be pleased with him, refuted their belief more than one thousand years ago, when he wrote: Where Allah is and Where He is not - An exposition of the denial of the Jahmites that Allah is above the Arsh. We asked them Why do you deny that Allah is above the Arsh when He has said: The Merciful has the Arsh? [Al-Quran 20:4] And again, Who in six days created the Heavens and the earth then the Arsh, [Al-Quran 25:60] They replied: He is under the seven earths as He is on the Arsh; He is in heaven, on earth and in every place; there is no place where He is not, nor is He is one place to the exclusion of any other. And they quoted the verse: And He is Ilah in the heavens and He is Ilah on the Earth! If you wish to prove the falsehood of the Jahmites who claim that Allah exists everywhere, not in one particular place, ask them, Is it not true that Allah was existent when there was nothing in existence? The Jahmites answer would be: Certainly, there was nothing before Allah. Then ask them, Did Allah create the creation within Himself or outside of Himself? The Jahmites would be compelled to choose on of the following three answers: 1. If the Jahmites assert that Allah created the creation within Himself, they would then become apostate instantly by claiming that the Jinn, humans and Satans are all dwelling within Allah. 2. If the Jahmites assert that Allah created the creation outside Himself but dwelled in them afterwards, they would also become apostate instantly by claiming that Allah dwells in His creatures. 3. But if the Jahmites say that Allah created the creation outside Himself and has never dwelled in them, they would by giving this answer, join the folds of Ahlus-Sunnah, for by giving this answer they denounce their own deviant beliefs. Allah (the Exalted) described Himself in the Torah too that He is above His creatures. Kabul-Ahbar said: Allah (azzawajall), said in the Torah, I Allah Am above My slaves, and My Arsh is above My creatures, and I am upon My Arsh running the affairs of My slaves. Nothing is hidden from Me neither in heaven nor on the earth. [Adh-Dhahabi and others] Finally, it may be worthwhile to say that even the enemy of Allah, Firawn (Pharoah), who flagrantly claimed to be a god of his people, knew where Allah is more than the followers of Jahm today. Allah says: And Firawn said, O Haman, build for me a tower that I may reach the ways; the ways to heavens so that I may have a look at the Ilah of Musa. [Al-Quran 40:36-37] Now consider the words of Firawn who wanted Haman to build a tower for him that he might climb all the way to the heavens to see the Rabb of Musa, for Musa already told him that Allah to Whom he is inviting him is above the heavens, and compare this with the groundless argument of the Jahmite off-shoots of today. A Muslim wonders how could those who believe that Allah is Omnipresent rationalize such assertion knowing that Allah, the Omnipotent, will collect the earth in His hand and fold the heavens in His right hand, as evidenced by the following divine stern warning: And they have not venerated Allah with the veneration that is due Him, for on the Day of Resurrection, the earth will be collected in His hand and the heavens will be folded up in His right hand. [Al-Quran 39:67] Were the above verse to be the only proof of Allahs Loftiness, it would have been more than sufficient. It is certainly sufficient to those who fear Allah and give Him the true veneration that is due to Him. _______________ Unit 9 LOADING ... [CONCLUSION]
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 18:58:13 +0000

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