WHERE IS OUR ANKHCESTRAL THRONE OF THE PHARAOHS OF KEMET? Before I get to who stole our seat of power, let me deal with your fake faiths (CIJ) and how useless it is to us as a nation. Show me a single problem one Christian, one Muslim or one Jew solves for the people of the Afrakan Nation. Show me where representatives of Christianity, Islam and Judaism (CIJ) cooperating with each other resolve a single issue affecting the people of the Afrakan Nation. Don’t bother to search your brains. You cannot find a single case in the annals of religious history. These religions are not here to help us rise collectively. They are here to make sure we do not gain academic, economic, political and military power collectively. CIJ is here to dehumanize us; to subdue us; to demonize us; to oppress and exploit us. Only Afrakan History can Ra-ise your lower vibrations to the heights of god [dess]. Without the esoteric knowledge in Ourstory, you ignorant negroes will continue to vibrate and function at the lower level like the wild beast of the fields. Why did the sand and ice kkkrackkkers went about pillaging, plundering, desecrating and destroying any and all things Afrakan? If these devils can supplant our base of power by sawing off the obelisks, which they renamed Cleopatra’s Needle, at its base and put them on barges and sailed them out to sea to Washington D.C., London, Paris and Italy, what makes you think our throne of Pharaonic power was insignificant to them? What makes you think they destroy our seat of absolute power, the throne of the indomitable Pharaohs, the seat of God elected representative on earth? Where is this throne? It is not in the Smithsonian Museum. It is not in the French National Museum. It is not in the British National Museum. It is not in the Egyptian Museum of antiquity. It is not in the private collection of the sand kkkarckkker Arabs. It is not the private collection of the ice cave kkkrackkker Europeans. So where the hell is our seat of power that was stolen out of Afraka? The theft of our Throne renders the people of the Afrakan Nation powerless. There were enough obelisks in Kemet for them to steal and replanted in these various nations of Satan. But there was only one Throne of true Black Power. Where is our throne of absolute Afrakan power? The BattyClan City and Bugger-kin-nam Palace went to war over our Throne of absolute power. England got hold of it. The Vatican City wanted it. England refused to hand over our Throne to the Vatican City. The Pope was pissed: how dare this little Island disobeyed the orders, and denied the request, of the house of Lucifer? Satan began to cast out Satan and Bugger-kin-nam Palace created its own religious misleader, the arch-rival of the Pope of the BattyClan City, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The spin doctors from both of these houses of evil spun a yarn, a romantic story at that, to the rest of the world where a King of England wanted to divorce his wife and married another woman and the Pope of the BattyClan City objected to the divorce and wedding that is why England created its own church. Our Throne is now the seat of power for the ruinous royal family of England. Every anointed King or Queen of England sits on our Throne of Power during their Coronations. The ignorant and unintelligent negroes have a problem with us naming ourselves after our ancient holy Afrakan Ankhcestors of kemet but they have no problems whatsoever when the royal families of Europe named their children after every dead king or queen of Europe. The myth and illusion of white supremacy must be destroyed by the BLACK TRUTH, Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, Elder at APCE, Minister, Gatekeeper & Warlord on the frontline for the Liberation and Unification of the Afrakan Nation (LUAN). Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 23:30:54 +0000

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