WHERE IS THE GENERATION OF HUSTLERS? The elections are done and - TopicsExpress


WHERE IS THE GENERATION OF HUSTLERS? The elections are done and dusted, the winner has been inaugurated. Some Zambians are happy and others not so pleased with the turn out of events but at the end of the day the majority of the population made the decision. I believe we all have expectations of the new president, some people are waiting for him to fail in his tasks, others seeking to make personal benefits and others want gestalt development for the country as a whole. Basically, I will assume we all want development in our lives and for our country as a whole. What kind of development are we seeking to see as citizens of Zambia? Well, am sure we all want to live like the people we see on T.V in the western and developed worlds. I want that too. But the big question is, how and who will make it happen? In my view I believe the youths are the ones to develop Zambia to were we want it to be. I know the educated youths, those with some form of college or university paper, do have some form of employment. Honestly, the employment levels are not as bad as other politicians paint it. The jobs may not be DSTV fabulous to buy you a lambogini but they are good enough. In my view what we are lacking is financial education or intelligence and the realization that nobody will change Zambia except we the Zambians ourselves. Lets work with a case study. The Sata government went on a role constructing roads and taking electricity to the deepest rural areas, yeah someone will say they want votes but i say they are making a basis for wealth creation. The newly opened areas have land that is untamed and is crying for ownership. Yes the youth wants to construct a house and become a land owner but we all want to do it in Lusaka or in other main towns, like Ndola and Kitwe. For arguments sake, a price of plot at a local housing estate, is between K 30,000 to K50, 000, and this will be a small plot if I can mention, then you will need more funds to commence construction. The newly opened lands in the rural areas cost even cheaper, for less than K 10,000 you can get 10 hectares, basically the land is free but a community contribution is requested from the investor. Well, am sure this land is large enough to hold a house, you can do some farming on it too. The farming will offer employment for the locals and other innovative peasants will copy from the technology you will bring to the area. But sadly, we all want to invest in Lusaka, build expensive houses and buy powerful cars and then wait for the president to add more money in our pockets. While we sit and wait for the president bring development to Zambia, the government continues to build infrastructure such as road and the foreign man utilizes all the opportunities that are meant for YOU. A muzungu just shared with me how he rushed to buy land in Northwestern province because roads have been constructed and more Zambians need to eat regardless where they live. Yeah, I was touched because instead of looking for land in the bush I was pushing for a job transfer to Lusaka. WHO WILL DEVELOP YOUR ZAMBIA
Posted on: Sun, 25 Jan 2015 19:31:54 +0000

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