WHERE IS THE LEADERSHIP TO REFLECT THE MAJORITY??? The actions in this video reflects the Spirit of Change, the Spirit of speaking the Truth. In Detroit, many community leaders, churches and activist organizations sole purpose is to mislead and misdirect Detroiters. In effect the Black leadership has supported the lie, embellish the lie. The Lie about the bankruptcy, about the Emergency Managers, about Mike Duggan, about PAC Turnaround Detroit, about Dan Gilbert and Penske, about the downtown association, about Detroit City Clerk Janice Winfrey, about Wayne County Board of Canvasser Chairwoman Carol Larkin, about Detroit branch NAACP President Wendell Anthony, about NAACP attorney Butch Hollowells role during the recount, and especially about the August 6, 2013 mayoral primary recount. The recount defines Black leadership that have resources and access in the city. The ACLU came to town only to marketing the organization using reporters who jump a sinking ship to support more misdirection. The lie is re-enforced by local media and dishonest reporters. The Michigan Citizen Editor should ask the question of any reporter claiming to be an investigative reporter....what is your position on the recount of the August 6, 2013 mayoral primary...That will clear up and avoid hiring reporters who only want to use the Citizen as a stepping stone. Detroit, a city turned upside down, outsiders cannot believe it! They are shocked! No, they say Not in Detroit! Not where the brothers and sisters control the city government! When they are told we dont control anything in the city, they are double shocked! The Truth is in the recount! The sin, the actions and non-actions from the leaders in the Black community.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 14:06:13 +0000

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