WHERE IS THE MONEY THAT WAS SANCTIONED -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Long back, more than half a year, the Govt made an announcement that Rs 7.5 Crores having been sanctioned for the Hepatitis “C” Patients of Kokernag but till date nobody has been able to see where that money has gone. The patients, most of them very poor ones, have been moving from pillar to post to avail the treatment which they have been promised, but in vain. The situation is that many more human lives have been lost since the time of announcement and nobody in the Govt is bothered to take any step, not even the local MLA who himself is a cabinet minister in the Govt. You may be aware that when we exposed the matter of outbreak of this epidemic, the people in power negated and tried to hide the facts. Latter when the PDP President Mehbooba Mufti visited the affected people and took the matter with the then Union Health Minister, Mr Ghulam Nabi Azad who in turn sent a team of doctors from New Delhi and ascertain the facts. The affected people had a sigh of relief after the announcement of treatment and sanction of the amount, but that proved to be quite short lived, because ultimately they could not receive any help. Many patients have sold their land and other belongings to have this costly treatment for them and and their family members and many more are helpless and waiting for their destiny. A good number of patients even do not expose their tale before anybody, unfortunately, because of the social stigma.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 05:21:25 +0000

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