WHERE IS THE - TopicsExpress


WHERE IS THE OUTCRY????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? SURELY someone as intelligent as Queen Michelle, would know where the term gypped came from. This is a point that I have been making for YEARS. Words and phrases, which have been used for years, some for hundreds of thousands of years; are still used everyday, by people who have no clue as to the meaning of them, or where they came from. The problem lies in the fact that, if it were someone that a race baiter such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, or the like had it in for; they would be crucified. It doesnt matter if it is a simple misunderstanding of the meaning of the word or phrase. but, because she is black, she gets a free ride. Race baiters such as Jackson and Sharpton WONT call her out, because they themselves are RACISTS. Most whites wont call her out, because if they do, they are afraid that they will be labeled racists. Now, despite the fact that Michelle Obama has shown prior racist tendencies; I am giving her the benefit of the doubt here, and am assuming that she was ignorant as to the meaning of the word gypped However, I could also see where the Romani community would be offended by this, regardless of the unintended slur. What disturbs me MOST though, is how many people that I have called friend all of my life; and who I have stood up for, when they have been slurred, defamed, and discriminated against, do not have the decency, the character, or the guts, to do what is right, and denounce Michelle Obamas choice of words, SOLELY because she is black, and therefor, in the eyes of so many, incapable of being racist, because only white people can be racists. I guess I will probably piss off A LOT of my friends with this post. If I do, dont expect me to say Im sorry for offending you. IM NOT. If you have no better morals and dont have enough character to put what is right over the color of a persons skin, then you are not worthy of my friendship. Doing what is popular is easy. Doing what is RIGHT, may be hard, but at the end of the day, at least you can look yourself in the mirror. BTW, if this DOES offend you, and you feel that I am wrong in expecting equality in both good and bad; by all means, unfriend me. BUT, if you do; dont be a coward, have the guts to send me a post, and TELL me that you unfriended me, because you would rather be a closet racist instead of a man or woman of character.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:37:42 +0000

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