WHERE IS YOUR FAITH AND BELEIVE IN ALLAH SWT (GOD) ????? Sophocles once said Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.” it will only bring a Walk Of Shame ......We have respected Reverends , Pastors , Muslim Leaders ,Traditionalists and Clerics ..... why are we afraid to say the truth when we praying to ALLAH (SWT) or God ?depends on your belief . Otito loma leke iro , its just a surprise that people we expect to come out and be bold to defend the truth have fallen below expectation ..... There is nothing bad to like or have interest in someone to become the King of Iwo but another thing is ...... if the person you have interest in ..... Is he from the right ruling house to fill the vacant stool without fraud ? then you advise your candidate to take a chill pill until his ruling house turn ...... Even though some people try to manipulate and fraudulently change the Kingship order of rotation , it didnt work because God did not take Oba Asiru Olatubosun Tadeshe RIP away during Oyinlolas regime that help them perfect that fraud !!!! Cant you people see that , the hand and interest of God is in this Iwo stool for now ? The signs of times were written boldly on the wall for you like the time of Prophet Daniel ( The Writing on the wall) . The Speaking of Jesus Christ ( AS) from cradle !!! have you seen how Allah SWT dealt with the possessors of the elephant (Surat Al-Fil) ? remember the time when Abrahah, the King of Yaman, went with his army, in which was an elephant, to demolish the Ka‘bah but suffered destruction himself ? “Allah, Most High said: The heavens and the earth cannot contain Me, but the heart of a true believer can” (Hadith Qudsi). Allah SWT is the truth and we should let truth come to our heart today and that means Truth and Progress will be yours ...... We should also learn from the sign of Allah that happens to you recently ....... Omisore and the federal might came down on State of Osun with 70,000 security personnel to intimidate voters and get the mandate by force but Allah showed His reach , power and might over Jonathan !!!! If all these sign of times are not enough for you ....... Where is your faith and trust in God ? If you are a Christian and you cant say the truth ..... What do you think can be said about the relationship between liars and the “serpent of old    the Devil”? and if you are a Muslim ...... fear Allah and your last days !!! Walladaka ya ibn adamo yabuka , Anasu aolaka yaliakuna sururan , famil finafsika anyakuhna isabakhao , fi yaomi maotika dhaikan mosiruran , which means ..... The day we came to this world , we cry to come this world but the people that came for the joy of birth of a new born were welcoming the baby with laughs for coming to a sinful world , the passage extend a warning to the child to do good and be truthful in this world , so that when he/she dies .... he / she will have to laugh when leaving this world because he knows he has been upright ....... Dont be double jeopardized ...... MA SUNKUN WAYE KOTUN WA SUNKUN LO O
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:49:06 +0000

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