WHERE IS YOUR PATH LEADING YOU? ~~ In your walk with Christ...Do - TopicsExpress


WHERE IS YOUR PATH LEADING YOU? ~~ In your walk with Christ...Do you sense that you arent anywhere close to where YOU WANT to be, & your somewhere out in no mans land, so to speak, but KNOW in your heart its where God wants you to be @ the moment...Peaceful in the midst of turmoil, you are...Not understanding why your peaceful, because you still havent seen with your natural eye your answer...His work isnt done yet!...He allowed this situation, because He trusts you & I with adversity, & our steady as you go manner, & complete trust in Him...How did that happen??? Because He has walked you & I through adversity b/4, & we came through BECAUSE we believed & stood firm on His Promise in Hebrews 11:1... Now faith is being SURE of what we hope for, & CERTAIN of what we do not see....A big part of our struggle with a problem is for us to grow up spiritually, to develop a testimony, & to learn how to walk out our talk of being committed to Christ, especially when confronted with adversity..He sees our heart & KNOWS if we really believe this, & then we walk it out in our life issue...When we can pass this test while waiting upon the Lord to answer our prayer. ,we ARE ALREADY walking in VICTORY!! We must keep self & temptations away from us, SUBMIT to God, RESIST the devil, & he WILL flee.... James 4:7, & CONTINUE to stand still & know that He is God & He WILL take what satan has meant for harm ,(our upset), & bring it around for the good, confirmed in Romans 8:28...God NEEDS Christians who can pass His tests, & come out victorious in their situation, praising Him, knowing how it came out was the way God wanted it too ,&we can be SATISFIED with the result...NOW... God has qualified workers that He can place out in His harvest, the world, ( Matthew 9: 37 & 38), to do His work that He directs them to do...So just know that the path you are on is Gods perfect path, & that you & I are to do our part & just stay in His Word for our next step, because He tells us that His Word is a lamp to our feet, & a light for our path confirmed in Psalm 119:105...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 10:59:39 +0000

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