WHERE IS YOUR STAR? "Saying, Where is he that is born King of the - TopicsExpress


WHERE IS YOUR STAR? "Saying, Where is he that is born King of the Jews? for we have seen his star in the east, and are come to worship him." (Matthew 2:2). Have you ever been celebrated in your life before? For your outstanding archievments, the way you live your simple life in an extra ordinanry way? So many people end up in life without actually being celebrated. These are men and women who had the potentials of been celebrated but ended up (and still ending up) in waste and penury. What is that purpose (thing) that distinguishes you from others? Your location, finance, family name or place of birth has nothing to do with you star(destiny or purpose) of life. So many people have lived and are still living an unfilled life because they have decided not to dig deep and draw the waters of their destinies. All what they say is, if only my uncle will help me, if only i stay in Abuja, if only i know David Mark, if only these or that. Excuses kills potentials. Messi, in his skills didnt start playing football in Spain, he differentiated himself @his native Argentine lands b4 he was seen and brought to Barca. Gideon (Judges 6) was the least of all in his family, village and town yet he marked himself differently and excelled. Nazareth, was the least of towns and yet the Massiah was born there. The likes of Mother Theresa, Chinue Achebe, Madela all where but only humans who didnt ordinary things differntly. I dont know what you have been thinking so far, but i can assure you that the earlier you decide to set standards which many might see as unneccessary but for you to be different it must be fulfilled, the earlier for you to be celebrated. You might work in govt, salesman or even a teacher and yet go to work by 7.30am sit down and attended to matters deligently, set standards for your career and archieve them. Even in schs, there are teachers who differentiate themselves. Its never to late to redefine your star. Today is another day to work towards being celebrated. Remember with God all things are possible that is the reason you need Him to excel (John 15 vs 5). Have a pleasant day and remain blessed.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 08:38:41 +0000

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