WHERE LIES THE FUTURE OF CROSS RIVER STATE? (For Paul Ojeka,Didi Etta, Adeh Isreal,Mathew Okiri, Paulina Morphy Fogg and Wisdom Inyang,CRISPON members and Cross Riverians all over the world-A congratulatory message to Cross River State Political Network,CRISPON on reaching over 9000 membership) Where there is no vision the people perish The Holy Bible (Proverbs 29:18 KJV) Cross River State is a state one of the thirty six states in Nigeria. She is divided into three goepolitical zones-South, Central and North and further comprised of 18 Local Government Areas(LGAs). It covers an area of 23,074.425 square kilometres. The South is made up of Akamkpa LGA, Akpabuyo LGA, Bakassi LGA, Biase LGA,Calabar Municipality LGA, Calabar South LGA and Odukpani LGA, the Central is made up of Abi LGA,Boki LGA,Ikom LGA,Etung LGA,Obubra LGA,Yakur LGA, while the North is made up of Ogoja LGA, Bekwara LGA, Yala LGA, Obudu and Obanliku LGA(Please forgive the authors listing of the various LGAs, from conversations with indigenes of the State some do not even know the names of the LGAs nor the geopolitical zones therein). Cross River State is culturally diverse comprising of over ten ethnic nationalities e.g Ejagham( The highest in population of the ethnic nationalities found in the state, her indigenes span from the South to North of the State), Efik, Mbembe, Mbube and Ugep/Ekori and Ukelle etc. Cross River State is blessed beyond measures in terms of human and natural resources. Permit me at this juncture to quote a 1989 publication of Ministry of Information titled Economic Potentials of Cross River State page 4 thus: Cross River State is endowed with abundant natural resources. Its forest hold such economically viable wood species as Iroko,Mahogany, Aphara, Opepe, Utile Teak...Some part of the forests has never been exploited by any man on account of it remoteness... According to that publication other natural resources found in its soil includes crushable rocks, gravel,limestones, rich laterite, tin ore, manganese, titanium, feldspar, gold, mica and uranium etc. Its waters thats the ponds, lakes, rivers and continental shelf flourish with a variety of fish species such as baracuda, bonga, herring, shad, sea-catfish, croaker, mackerel, mullet, ray, ten pounder, saw fish, sharks, shrimps, periwinkles, lobsters and crabs etc. Agriculturally, Cross River State produces food and cash crops some of which are but not limited to are: yams, cassava, melon, millet, cucmber, rice, vegetables, beans, citrus, coconut, mangoesn paw paw, cocoa, rubber and palm. With the available raw materials animal husbandry and farming is also a gold mine. Each year the total numbers of graduates who are Cross Riverians churned out from Universities and Polythecnics in the federation annually are over one thousand( From different fields not putting account of those produced from secondary schools and technical schools and the quality of these graduates can as well be questioned). Most of these graduates are unemployed and majority of them are youths. As a result most of them decide to leave the state in search of jobs in other parts of the federation while some travel outside the shores of our country while those that stay behind become entrepreneurs or are employed by one, others further their education or become integrated into few available governmental platforms or become educated liabilities . The issues are these potentials both human and natural listed above are not fully exploited. The truth about economic and social advancement is that the fruits can never hide.Now whose responsibility is it to properly harness the duo resources of the State that is human and natural resources, for the advancement of the people of the state? Is it the peoples responsibility or that of government? A recent survey by an agency of government in Cross River State proved that most corporate outfits/technical services are owned by non-indigenes. We also do not need survey to prove that billions of Naira is allocated to Cross River State on a monthly basis and billions accrues annually from Internally Generated Revenue. I wish at this point to say that the primary responsibility for the development of any society is totally dependent on government. Government as an institution is primarily composed by the majority to oversee the affairs of a state for the greater good of all. That is to say that a government that doesnt meet this function is no government. A government is to be visionary enough to draw up and implement plans to ensure that the power given to them by the citizens of their state is used for their benefits i.e the benefit of all the rich and the poor alike. Now in the case of Cross River State how have we faired thus far? How do we create the same opportunity that a youth or family in say a State like Lagos State has for instance? Are the financial resources meant for Cross Riverians fully utilized by Cross Riverians? What advantages do Cross Riverians have as Cross Riverians? What is the future of a Cross Riverian? What value do we have for Cross Riverians with talents and how do we develop and encourage such? From a survey conducted by a team of Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON it has been discovered that participation during the National, State and Local Government Area elections does not reflect the registered voters. Less than fifty percent of the eligible voters actually participate in the electoral process. Democracy affords us an opportunity to decide who and what we want and how can we be less concerned as a State by the same process that is meant to oversee our affairs? Yet it is easy to see folks pay to watch football matches, criticise government at drinking parlours etc...what action(s) is carried out by these components to contribue and positively change the status quo? In developed economies ran by people who have got same brains as we have got and the uniqueness of this gift called brain God has given us is that every human being came with a brain and if developed irrespective of race or nationality it can be used for the good of all. I cry when people say dont forget this is Africa yes I know this is Africa but is South Africa not part of Africa? Is Ghana a country whose citizens we once sent packing from Nigeria not part of Africa yet we now send our(Nigerians) kids to study in Ghana. So if Ghana can develop her society that our kids now go there to study or schooling/travelling to South Africa is now considered elitist then it shows us that as a State and Country if we develop the creative and ingenious capabilities God has given us by using our brains collectively we can harness the human and natural resources in Cross River State for the good of all her indigenes and we will make Cross River State a Meca of some sort.(Ghana and South Africa are both African countries). I think it should be clear why government has more leverage to stir the positive change needed in this state. The reason is government has at its disposal the mechanism to achieve all it intends to achieve and can build individuals that will in turn invest and boost the economy of the state. This can be done through thorough thinking, documenting and implementing economic and social principles unique to Cross River State. This process is what led to the industrialisation of Malaysia, Turkey, south Africa, Singapore and China etc. The Government of Cross River State must see itself as a unit, a unit that should create means capable of taking care of itself(Government and the citizens-one must not need to be a prof in economics to make this work). A right team will do! Cross River State Governments both past and present have developed modules for the empowerment of her citizens and these has led to the establishment of additional agencies and budgetary allocations. What are the indicators thus far and who is monitoring and evaluating and if any who implements recommendation for optimal performance? A practical example is the Polytechnic been built at Ugep in Yakur LGA, soon it will commence academic activities and graduates will be churned out, just like the Cross River State University of Science and Technology has been churning out graduates. Are we setting up infrastructures that will absorb the already existing graduates and the future graduates from this and other institution? In February 2015 a year that will see to the emergence of political personalities from different political parties to run our country, it is important that we focus more on discourse within Cross River State as regards candidates and their pedigree who can change the lot of the State by thinking and forming a team that will deliver for the good of all not for the good of a certain group. Therefore, as a voice I call on the various contestants for the Governorship position in Cross River State who naturally will hail from Cross River North to ask themselves these questions: 1. What is my vision for Cross River State? 2. Am I the best man for this job or can I best partner with someone more credible and experienced than I am for effective representation and performance? 3. What is motivating my participation in the governorship race...service, pressure or self? For the populace of Cross River State it is high time we set to use the enormous capacity God has given us which is our brain to elect the right personalities, support and contribute to the development of our state. Without this vision we will continuously remain in a state of inactivity but God forbid this as our efforts are paying gradually yet slowly. We can do better than were we are! (These principle can be adopted by other states in the federation, if we all care for our indigenes, the nation cares for itself. For the primary reason for our fragmentation is to ensure government reaches all) Prince Michael Nku Abuo,JP Director General, Cross River State Political Network, CRISPON Member Order of the Beards (A poetic and literary fraternity) Wed, 26, March, 2014 https://m.facebook/groups/178333078918122?refid=18&__tn__=C (Join CRISPON)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 19:33:49 +0000

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