WHERE MBEERE SOUTH IS NOW GOING WITH 4T FORMULA 2017 We will NOT continue to be Sycophants of Tribal and Clan politics all the years! Mbeere South now is becoming conscious of their civic and voting rights more than it was yesterday. I have spotted some individuals here and there trying to fuel hate campaign against others at Kiambere Mbeere South Union Group and Some parts Mwea Update Facebook Pages. If you can go there you can agree with me that we are now far much ahead from uncivilized politics of such nature. You will even not want to be associated with the kind of the leader who those characters purport to represent. Am sure the electorate in Mbeere South are past that dirty politics. At least, so far in my attempt let me say we are fairing well. Mbeere South Parliamentary Seat in 2017 will be a very competitive seat. And this shows that a mature democracy is being nurtured in Mbeere South . This time round we do not welcome or support politics of dividing our communities again. Those who are getting hooked into them are advised kindly to come out of those dirty politics of ancient times and join the majority in causing a tremendous Landslide in Politics of Mbeere South with 4T FORMULA-DIVERSITY IS POWER NOT ENEMY OF CHANGE . You can be sure with the Current Situation in Mbeere South now,and the political wave that is now hitting the ground, Divisive politics based on Tribe,Clan,and corruption will NOT preoccupy the minds of our electorates this time round. As a Prospective Aspirant for Mbeere South 2017, I am telling my people to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH...Now let us change the walking style. How do we change the style..? By embracing a Complete Change of Paradigm in Leadership and Governance Styles in our region. Over the last 3-4 terms , we have greatly suffered negligence by the leaders who we elect. They have failed us in a great way when they do not consider the priorities of our community. We have seen leaders come and use our platforms to promise us Title Deeds for Mwea. When they dont return to us and tell us why the Title Deeds for Mwea are still stuck, How do they expect us to know? How do they expect us as the people to do economic development on our land? How do they expect us to be comfortable in establishing our Businesses without any fear or intimidation? I mean, Does it mean Mwea Land issues has got no solution and No leader will ever reason and feel with the people? Why is it that Ngariama across Kirinyaga the Members of Parliament have been able to push and pressurize the Government to issue Land Title deeds for them? Were we cursed to be poor? No! Not at all...Our leaders have been using our Land Title Deeds as a stepping stone to attain their Political status. This has been happening for decades and we must stop it through the power given to us by the Constitution of Kenya as the people. There are numerous ways of pressurizing the Government in attending to the most crucial needs of the Citizens. We have not exhausted them yet. Some of these approaches will require a leader and not a Coward to do them for justice to be found. If a leader is detained like Mandela because of fighting for the rights of his people , then, like Mandela...I will be detained and after the detainment I will come back to you as a Hero. On Water- No leader we have elected here in Mbeere South has addressed the problem of water adequately in the region. Leadership must be a responsible leadership and without partiality. In some places like Mwea, since I was born ,my village residents have been fetching water in Kirinyaga at the dirty Irrigation canals 5-6KMS away.I feel for the women and children of these region. They carry 10-20LITRES of water on their back from water borehole in Karaba Market and Ngandi road 3-4 Kilometers everyday. This is very similar to aother wards in the region. Our women cannot be able to save water because it is difficult to do so. They have school children ,and they have livestock. How do the government expect us to survive? If you come and give my village a big tank of water, can my villagers really store 10-20 litres of water in a 10,000 litters capacity tank? What we must agitate and fight for now is Adequate water supply in Mbeere South Region. We host the biggest of the water sources in the region-Tana..Does it mean that the Government cannot agree within its institutions and companies like Kengen and Tarda for supply of Clean Water? Does it mean that every year our people will be killed by crocodiles and Hippopotamus because of water problem. This is my greatest priority from the land and settlement agenda. Roads- Who can tell us when last we saw good murrum roads? Giving example with mwea to be sincere I thank Hon Andrew M Mbithi the current MCA- Lastly, I saw good roads during his time when he was the chairman of Mbeere County Council. We saw big lorries coming to our land and they scooped the good marrums from Kiandegwa and rollers grading our roads . It is during his time when main roads from PIAI-KARABA-MAKIMA-MACHANGA- were upgraded. Now ,after those years which must have been 1990s these roads have been overlooked even by the current regime and only dust is put on our roads. We may not conclusively say that they are to blame but I would say we as the people we do not take up our roles and responsibility to put on task our leaders when we elect them. We elect leaders and we make them gods. When they visit us in our markets and churches , we bow to them and we borrow them Ksh 100 to take tea or you narrate to them how you Children did not eat last night. Now, when you receive that 100 bob from your leader- Will you receive it tomorrow? And what will you feed your children with? Will you go to steel? We lack integrity and discipline as the citizens and we break the law. We as the citizens make alot of noise when a Traffic police here at Mutithi or Kavondori try to take 100bob from the drivers.. They never fail to pick 100bob from drivers...thieves....greedy police..We often say..But how different are we from the police? When we encourage our leaders to feed our homes as if they have any obligation in it? The obligation which I would like to have for Mbeere South is to cause change and make things happen as the citizens would wish them happen. If we have entitlements by the law to receive services which are clearly outlined by Ministries we must get those services and be empowered to work. Once we are fully empowered ,we are able to create wealth and no crime or poverty will remain with us. Most of our schools are not well maintained. Our Children fail because they do not study or sleep in conducive environments. The CDF has tried so far. But a lot is still left un accomplished. If you go round the constituency , you will hear people saying Did we elect a Member of Parliament? Why is Mbeere North growing faster than our region? Why do we see Hon Njagagua on TV addressing the media on needs of the local people? These and many other questions are enabling me to say THERE IS NEED TO RISE UP AND ANSWER THOSE QUESTIONS IN 2017. I would like to state here that, we must give our leaders respect and avoid any insult or hate speech against their failure or weaknesses. Sometimes, we are so fast to judge them. We must be a society that is disciplined and one which exercises self-control. On Education. You will believe me that all the students in Universities and Colleges including the Secondary school students are making noise. Why are they making noise? The Bursaries are not reaching them. In the case of Colleges and Universities,it is even worse because the Government has effected new laws which are not in favor of the students. Who will be the savior of these students? Who will they come to murder and steal from when they are not able to study? They will return to us as a Community. We must mobilize resources, and create a Studentship Bank in Mbeere South where our friends and Partners can invest on our education. We need these students to complete their education and come back to us for service. The functioning of our institutions like CDF need to be streamlined. Sometimes we have seen poor representation of the communities. I have heard many times that -they are all belonging from one clan,family etc...these kind of talks must come to an end. Nepotism is highly condemned by the constitution. This kind of social vice is also said to be taking root in our County Government of Embu and hence we end up by paying taxes to benefit one clan,one tribe, one family etc...We must also be vigilant to point out these mistakes so that fair consideration can be done when opportunities arise in public offices,both in the county and in the national government. On Tourism and Mining- It is time to mobilize resources to create wealth for our children. We cannot wait for the government to do all things. Right now Ksh 400Million are waiting to be invested in this County. Has anyone told us how 400M will benefit Mbeere South? Have we asked our leaders? Have we come up with projects that will possibly be piloted in Mbeere South to share in the 400M? These and many other questions interests me for this region. Besides, we must connect our region with the developed nations. Kenya is still borrowing money from IMF and Contracting Japan and China for economic development. When some of you say Hatutaki wazungu huku,,Hatutaki kuomba wazungu! Ghosh! what do you mean? Do you want to tell me you are able to eat and feed your neighbors? Do you want to tell me we are stable? Then, tell me why are our young people dying at the rate of 47 at shauri yako? Why is theft of chicken and goats including recently -they are breaking the kitchens and eat all Githeri? Because we are hungry and we lack money! That is a fact. Why do you close your kiosk at 5-6pm and go home? Because we are hungry and lack money! All these are true answers. What I want to do with you my people is to use what we have like hills, seasonal rivers, Mwea National Reserves and the quarries to generate wealth. How do we do this? I will show you. Now, Health- I am sure something good is been seen on this ministry. Why? Mbeere region coughs in the County! This is a fact. At least we can say that we have heard our voice on that area. How I wish we can many other voices like that one in almost every ministry? This would be real change. In this Hon Mutava Musyimi would deserve a great honor because he has made it on health.But , something need to be done for Kiambere Ward. I am sure the people in Mwea and Makima do not know that Kiambere has only one Public health Centre at Kiambere New Site.There are some health facilities owned by churches and they are helping the community. However, it is important to have equitable distribution of resources and approval of projects. This willl safe the dying souls allover the region. The best health facility for Kiambere people including Maternity and impatient services can only be found at Kiritiri. I am sure this is a myth for Mwea and Makima wards including Mavuria and Mbeti because we are near health facilities. Kiambere need attention. I am saying this because there are about 3yrs remaining for the leaders in office and they can still do something to improve on their score. However, I am promising the people in Mbeere South, a change is coming in 2017 on how to deal with health issues because I will show you how. We cannot wait for the Government to do all things for us and wait until the projects wil be passed and be done. Some new approaches to local development are inevitable. Agriculture as Business and Livestock upgrading in Mbeere South need to be encouraged. The old methods of farming are impoverishing. I am sure, we are still waiting to cutting lines with ox and plough ,burry the seed and relax to wait for rains. Spreading or mingling the seeds on the soil and use a thorny branch of tree to cover them at mutuobare,Riaciina and Karura waiting for the rains. We must accept change. When I come in 2017, I will be very active in contracting experts on Agra-Business to come and teach us new methods. The loam,Sandy and Black Cotton soils in our region are the most fertile soils in Kenya. The climatic condition is not so harsh neither the topography. If you go to places like Korea South, the land is rocky..but how do they grow fruits like straw berry and feed themselves and export straw berry juice? Cant we try their methods? I want to promise that if we accept to change in 2017, this region will become the pilot Constituency in the whole County . Other plans that I have and will be made clear involves youth and development. Youth development in my regime will take over 50% of the implementation of five years term. What is going to be new from other regimes is that, our youths will be motivated and encouraged to participate in the Partner Countries in an exchange programs for Business Entrepreneurial(including talents like performed art and drama as career) and also for game and sports.I ask the youth of Mbeere South to call it a business and go out and preach the good news. Lastly, this paper is a skeleton of the whole stake. Let every Citizen of Mbeere South region refrain from propaganda politics and let us seek God for the future but act to perfect that future. We must remain as one people. Anyone coming to us with insults or painting a bad image to the other ,just tell them THESE ARE NOT THE DAYS OF THE OLD! BEYOND THE NEW HAS COME-WE ARE NEW CREATURE -WE WANT CHANGE- 4T FORMULA- TUUNGANE-TUUE UKABILA-TUFANYE KAZI-TUFUKUZE UMASIKI(DIVERSITY IS POWER NOT ENEMY OF CHANGE) Express your wishes to sharpen the axe to the Secretariat at 4tformulambeeresouth@gmail
Posted on: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 20:01:22 +0000

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