WHERE THE SPIRIT OF GOD IS THERE IS LIBERTY PART ONE: We as American citizens are suppose to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness in this nation and in our lifetime. Not only did our founding Fathers such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and others create the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence but Jesus himself set us free not only from sin but any type of bondage and captivity created by satan and spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12. The high places Paul was talking about was governments of men such as Rome. Paul talked about the principalities and the spiritual wickedness that we ourselves would face and conquer. Rome in the time of Paul was the leading principality nation at that time conquering other nations and enslaving many due to their brutal tactics of crucifixion and world domination. A principality means the princes of darkness then you have powers who operate through the judicial system, and the spiritual wickedness those in power in governments who say they are like Christ and are not and some pulpits declaring that we should follow them instead of the word of God. They make tithes of offerings along with the sin issue a weapon of fear and not a joy of love and adoration toward God. People think they can buy their way into heaven because they give and yet their life has to authority or power in it. People give and are continually tormented, powerless, sick physically, mentally, emotionally, with fear and condemnation along with damnation preaching and teaching and where is the liberty in that.. Principalities rank as a prince in the demonic world. Principalities rule over cities, states, and governments of the flesh. If you will notice different cities have different demonic activity going on. For instance some cities rank high in murder while others make rank high in drug addiction. These are not just about sinful evil people but this is about demonic influences in the air and through governments influencing the lives of those unsaved and lost. The gospel is thrown at them instead of the gospel being lived so that they may see Christ.. Is it not written with love and Kindness have I drawn thee? yet many think that throwing scripture around and condemnation is reaching souls when all it is doing is pushing them away from Christ. If His love and kindness drew you why would not that same love and kindness draw others through you? A principality is a demonic spirit ruling through the laws of the land to bind and enforce its will upon unsuspecting victims. Anytime someones will is being force on you, you are being raped. That is what rape is someone forcing their desires upon you. We are just being raped mentally, emotionally, and monetarily through the court system to the point of total silence. Notice when a woman is raped she is not able to talk about it easily. Why because of fear that no one will believe her or fear of how she will look to others and fear that the rapist will not be punished for their crime. We are scared because of the power that police hold and execute upon us just as a rapist holds power over a woman thats had her rights of being a woman violated. This is the same principal with a different concept yet the same results. It all boils down to fear and the will of others being forced upon us. Tithes and offerings are being forced and you are told if you do not give you are cursed with a curse. These are fear tactics that keeps the church doors open and some spiritual wickedness in control of the body of Christ. We as Christians are so busy looking at human sins and preaching against sin until we have missed the whole picture of why Jesus came. We do not preach that we are Sons of God with authority and power to rule in the earth realm, but some preach we are Christians something pagans called us first in Antioch Acts 11:26. We do not receive we are Sons of God but we receive what the pagans called us. Jesus said himself I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly John 10:10. Sin is not the issue of the soul, freedom of the soul and body is the issue. Jesus came to set the captives free and Jesus himself never talked sin to the sinners but He did to the rulers of the synagogues. He called them vipers, and told them they were full of dead men bones and all corruption Matthew 23:27. We enter into our four walls ( Church) and declare Jesus as our lord and then sit back and watch the world die and principalities rules while the Church operates with no power. If God is in your Church then liberty should be there.. If liberty is not there then what are you sitting under? To Be Continued
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 23:56:46 +0000

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