WHERE THERE IS NO VISION(Hebrew: chazon)..... Pro 29:18 The - TopicsExpress


WHERE THERE IS NO VISION(Hebrew: chazon)..... Pro 29:18 The book of Pro 29:18 is a well known passage of the Bible and one of the most pupolar scripture in the Bible. Its quoted by almost everybody, but most times misinterpreted by many also. We have often hear preachers say, WE ARE TO BE MEN AND WOMEN OF VISION. And they use this scripture to support the statement. That is 100% wrong. And there are many that are inventing visions on daily basis. A times we even hear people say, What are your visions for this year? And you may hear something like, I have not concluded on what my visions should be. The word vision used here is the Hebrew word chazon. And it simply means a prophetic word from God to his people. It is a divine revelation. The NKJV and NIV and some other version used the word revelation. Chazon as it is used in the Hebrew, it has nothing to do with ones personal goal or one seeing into his future. Its not a far-sighted imagination, as it is commonly used by the uses. It is God that gives the vision, and we are to hear and heed to his chazon. In the New Testament, the apostle Paul received the message of GRACE by revelation(Greek: apokalusis). Its understanding about grace was not from a books written by the Pharisees or even the other apostles, but he got it directly from God. I have come to understand that no man can understand the message of grace except he turns to the Lord. The reason many are still ignorant of GRACE is simply because they are still BLIND. And they can not see until they TURN to the Lord who is that Spirit of liberty. There is another word here, its the word PERISH. In the Hebrew, it means to be exposed or open. When people today reject and ignore the revealed word of Gods grace they become open and exposed to guilt and self condemnation and most especially RELIGION. The lack of chazon will manifest fully in a cold, dry or theological treatment of the scripture. If Jesus is not the center of any scripture interpretation and not looked from the finished work of Christ, there will be a situation that is out of control. The Hebrew word used for perish, which is para is the same used in Exo. 32:25, and was translated as out of control. In that Exo 32, the bible made us to understand that the people were out of control(heb. para) when Moses who received the vision was out of vision. The only thing that has made many religious folks to be out of control or para is as a result of the religious fathers who going out of the control. Many of them today, TITHE is what is controlling them. Hmmmmmmmm......Lets leave that aspect. ...BUT HAPPY OR BLESSED IS HE WHO KEEPS THE LAW. Wow! we are blessed and happy. The word blessed used here is the Hebrew word, makarios, and means TO BE FULLY SATISFIED INDEPENDENT OF THE CIRCUSTANCES. Halleluyah! We are independent of the para. We are not exposed to guilt, religion or whatever because we KEEP the law. Amen! What do we mean that we keep the law? Is it keeping the 10 commandment or the whole 613(including thou shall not shave thy beard. Lev 19:27)? Never! We must understand the hebrew word used here for keeps, it is phulasso. And phulasso means TO GUARD. Halleluyah! We guard the the law of faith. We are unmovable, always abiding in the work of the Lord. Amen The law we phulasso is the law of FAITH(Christ), not the law of WORKS(Moses) The apostle Paul said, where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? Of works? No, but by the law of faith. Rom 3:27 Faith is a law. Its our(believers of grace) law. And we phulasso this law(the divine teaching of grace). We keep and guard it. Halleluyah! WE WHO PHULASSO THE LAW OF FAITH ARE MAKARIOS. You hardly see a Moses believer happy and rejoicing. Their faces always look like what is used to separate quarrel and they are not sure of their salvation, but we who are Christ believers we rejoice, we are joyous, we are blessed and happy. John 9:28. And one important thing is this that we BOAST alot. In ourselves? Never! But in Christ who is our wisdom, sanctification and redemption. 1 Cor. 1:30,31
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 21:53:31 +0000

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