WHICH IS IT Ive heard that the humanitarian crisis at our - TopicsExpress


WHICH IS IT Ive heard that the humanitarian crisis at our southern border has occurred because Central Americans are sending their children to the US so they can be reunited with their parents. Yet I havent seen one parent waiting outside any facility waiting to retrieve their children. Its also been reported that parents are paying coyotes $750.00 per child to transport their children to the US. Are the parents in the US or Central America? If theyre in Central America whos supposed to retrieve them? If theyre in the US, why arent they retrieving them? Oh, I know, because theyre here illegally and afraid to come forward. Sorry. Reportedly, there are now approximately 60,000 children at the border. Soon, there will be 90,000. So where are they going to be placed? With their so-called parents or possibly alleged relatives? Will Child Protective Services (CPS) thoroughly investigate their prospective caretakers and their homes like they normally do before placing foster children? If so, whos going to pay for that? If not, are the children just going to be thrown to the wolves? I have a friend who, through Catholic Charities a few years ago, agreed to care for a 17 year old Guatemalan young lady and her new born baby. She was considered a refugee even though her parents remained in Guatemala. This past year, at 21, she finally graduated from high school. She has a job and sends most of her earnings to her parents. This fall she will attend community college which will be paid for by the US government. Furthermore, she will receive $5,000.00 per semester for housing and other expenses. Not bad. She has an Obama phone and her caretakers receive a monthly government stipend for her and her childs care. A few days ago Bill OReilly said that the border crisis will cause an unsustainable strain on the already disastrous US economy. Kirsten Powers, a Fox News contributor, angrily refuted his claim stating that illegal immigrant children operate outside of the system so it wouldnt be a problem. Powers is a liberal with whom I never agree. However, she sometimes expresses a moderate view and occasionally disagrees with Obamas clearly inept actions. But to say that illegal alien children are not assimilated into the system is the dumbest thing Ive ever heard her say. My wife taught elementary school in the Fairfax County Virginia public school system for 30 years. For the last 20, she was an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher. She was responsible for grades first through third. Most of her students were Hispanic. They all received free breakfast, lunch, medical and eye care and every other amenity the state and federal government had to offer. And it was a lot. During breaks in the school year, her students would often return to their home countries to visit. That is if they werent going to Disney World or some other exclusive vacation spot. When working car pool duty many of my wifes students were dropped off/picked up by individuals driving expensive cars and SUVs. Over the years, many of these same children arrived at school with ill-fitting shoes and clothing and sometimes without winter coats in freezing temperatures. Apparently, the government doesnt provide clothing. My wife and I made many visits to Kohls and other relatively inexpensive department stores to purchase said items for children who were in dire need of them. And to spare the child and his/her parent(s) from embarrassment, my wife would put the items in lost and found rather than giving them directly to the child. As Ive said and noted many times, I hit the jackpot when I met and married my wife. Shes an absolute angel! Soon there will be 90,000 children at our southern border. And its not their fault. And anyone with even a pea-size heart feels for the children. Its heartbreaking, plain and simple. Theyre living like animals in deplorable and disease ridden conditions. As a country, its embarrassing. And unfortunately, were screwed. We can only thank one person for this and most, if not all, other current disasters, debacles and government corruption. Yep, that would be Mr. Hope & Change. The worst, most incompetent and arrogant president Ive ever seen.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:28:58 +0000

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