WHICH IS THE TRUE ORIGIN OF CANCER for innocent home folks - TopicsExpress


WHICH IS THE TRUE ORIGIN OF CANCER for innocent home folks ? EVERY Decision(that involves your health)you make, takes you towards Cancer or Away from it.IT is our ignorance and stupidity to believe the media, that causes diseases and loss of mental peace for us. The world around is NOT SAFE AT ALL. IT IS FILLED WITH BILLIONS OF THINGS THAT CAN CAUSE CANCER and all other diseases. NOTHING IS IN YOUR GENES as told often by them. When they cannot cure it, they will blame the genes. All Genetic Diseases can be cured BUT NOT by all, BUT by some fortunate souls having a GOOD POSITIVE GOD FEARING MIND. CANCER IS A KARMA BASED DISEASE. We cannot however allow that as a reason, for NOT trying to cure a child from cancer. ALL FORCES IN THE FAMILY AND AT HOME WILL WORK AGAINST SAVING A PERSON FROM CANCER. This is the order of fate of the earth. This is Karma. This is a fact. What is that people EAT More daily ? THEIR DAILY MEALS, DAILY SUPPER, DAILY FOOD. That is the main culprit main root cause for cancer. All other causes are NOT MAIN ROOT CAUSE. Cigarette smoking, Drinking, and vices are NOT as wicked as Eating Food that Is full of choking HIDDEN SHORT TERM POISONS coming from Fertilisers and Insecticides. A cancer patient must stop the cancer causing input FIRST OF ALL, BEFORE STARTING THE TREATMENT. How to do that ? Stop all kind of foods ingredients buying and eating, and go for only TRULY REALLY ORGANIC FOODS. AND INGREDIENTS. AFTER THOROUGH VERIFICATION, BECAUSE MOST ORGANIC ARE FRAUDS. Verify and Satisfy yourself and then buy. The coffee you drink, contains, HIGH LEVEL SLOW POISON TOXINS that are bringing you cancer in several years IF you drink it daily at the right time for a long time, just as a yoga practice doing daily in time. All the ingredients in coffee are Poisons. White sugar, is heavily processed slow poison. MIlk contains hormone injections and antibiotics injected into the cows. Coffee leaves are sprayed with insecticides and therefore they are also poisonous. COFFEE IF YOU TAKE TEN CUPS PER DAY, you can be sure of getting Cancer. THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF OTHER FOOD ITEMS FAST FOODS WHICH are not controlled by the govt at all. All of them bring harm to the human health system. SO BECOME EMPOWERED WITH KNOWLEDGE AND THE RIGHTR INFORMATIN if you want to avoid getting cancer. Once you got cancer, if you take a wise decision in the beginning stage itself, you can be 100% cured from cancer. NOT afterwards ! -param
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 02:26:25 +0000

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