WHICH IS WHY ! BUT HOW? Today the country is experiencing a far - TopicsExpress


WHICH IS WHY ! BUT HOW? Today the country is experiencing a far deeper divide in economic gap between the rich and the poor, the poor are turning more poorer whereas the rich are becoming more richer. On one hand a handful of people have accumulated huge assets at the other side 80 % of the population is finding it hard to make even square meals within their access. Ever increasing prices of essential commodities, out of reach in basic amenities like: education, health & housing are getting to infinitive distance. Agriculture is facing a negative trend and the sector has become UN-remunerative for bare sustenance of life with human dignity and as result Lakhs of peasants are forced to commit suicide under the in-surmountable burden of debt. The sketch is not of some African or a Latin American country but that of present day India, a country which was once called ‘GOLDEN–BIRD’ and which is still the largest importer of Gold .Local Capitalist is being forced to close down under shrinking market conditions and decreasing market demand and heavy penetration of Foreign Capital which is all-n-all out for the kill; Fly by night nature of such Fluid- Money keeps the market on the tenterhooks. Industrial out-put is at it’s lowest, high inflation resulting in fall in real incomes of workers , growing un-employment and deep rooted corruption in all walks of life in connivance with the Nexus of Trio – Corporate, Politicians and Criminals backed by Imperialist Capital is making life of a common-man very difficult. It is shocking to note that at the time of independence which was an Agreement between the economically and militarily weaning Imperialist Great Britain as an out-come of 2nd World-War, which in spite of victory of Allied forces left them too weak to directly control and manage a vast country like India with growing unrest amongst different sections of the society; the peasants up-rising in Telangana, Taibhaga and Punpra Wylar; the Naval revolt of 1946 and work Strike by Police Force in some parts of the country – the entire citizenry was full of angst against the trial of Seghal, Dhillon and Shehnawaz : National Heroes from Azad Hind Fauz. The worst was that Students and Workers were out on roads and massive protests were witnessed day in and day out. Circumstances during 1945 to 1947 not only terrified the ruling Imperialist British but, a chill ran through Indian Capitalist Class and the two together started devising way out .The resultant out-come was Lord Mount-Batten Plan which was an agreement between British Looters and Indian Capitalists , this agreement became the basis of India’s Independence in 1947 . The story doesn’t end here , it goes on to establish another agreement between the Indian Capitalist and Feudal / landlord section engaged in rural exploitation of small farmers and landless laborers, by brutally controlling every activity in all spheres of life in villages. India’s Independence never accomplished the else-where adopted scheme of things of demolishing the Feudal System to replace it with Capitalist Democracy. What-ever , this provided the Imperialist to continue their Loot – though indirectly and the Indian Capitalist along with Rajas , Nawabs and Zamindars to take on the path of mixed economy – widely known as Nehruvian Economic Model. It sure will interest the concerned that at time of Independence, we had some 22 Monopoly Capitalists in the country whose total assets in 1957 were worth Rs.312.63 Crores which grew to Rs.158004.72 Crores in 1997 : 500 times. This makes one thing amply clear that the Govt. has a Class Character no matter what kind of nomenclature is given to it – a monarchy , a dictatorship or a democracy and it makes no difference from which strata of the society the leader comes from , the only thing which counts is which Class is being benefitted by the policy of the Govt. As of now India has more than 50 billionaires in terms of U.S. Dollars and has Lakhs of farmer suicide to hang its head if shame has any meaning what-so-ever. Such sharp contradictions are proof enough to say we live in Bourgeois/Landlord controlled system which needs to be replaced through People’s Democratic Revolution to finish the undone work of liberating the masses from the clutches of exploitation. Seventies begun with a decisive victory in a war against Pakistan resulting in a built-up of larger than life personality – even the Opposition declared the then P.M. as an Avtaar of GODDESS DURGA but, soon it all started to fade and wide spread unrest led by Jay Prakash Narayan seeded deep down amongst cross section of society along-side a Judgment by Allahabad High-Court declaring the election of P.M. Mrs. Indira Gandhi as null and void, protests in every nook and corner of the country created a situation for snatching away whatever little freedom people enjoyed under the Constitution. There-by Emergency was promulgated in 1974 and activists and leaders opposed to Govt. Policies were put behind Bars for eighteen months. What was to be the end of EXPERIMENT OF DEMOCRACY, offered a blessing in disguise for opposition to forge a unity for dislodging Congress from the MONOPOLISTIC POWER POSITION. However this opportunity could not build upon a unified opposition for a long and fell apart for want of alternative policies and resulted in Congress returning back with a thumping majority. The aspirations of people were betrayed but, one aspect did emerge that Congress is not an invincible Party and the developments offered other forces in play to exert their ideologies. People friendly left remained confined in their bastions but, the reactionary Communal forces succeeded in building majority hype around birth place of RAM and emerged as a force to capture power at the Centre. Though their efforts lasted only for 13 days – still the passion and sensitivities helped Communal and Fascist outfits to return back to the seat of power. This time for a bit longer period of 13 months, again the clash of ideologies forced them out. The passion had still not been washed away and for the third time the RSS mask in BJP bore enough clout amongst the people in general thus a Fascist party in garb of nationalist image got into power but, this time they have learnt lessons from the past mistakes and could successfully net in other power hungry regional parties who were in no mood to lose their chance to a join the gang for appropriating loot from people’s wealth. Eighties became witness to marriages of conveniences and strengthening of Regional players which was seen in return of near similar parties in a new format of United Progressive Alliance led by Congress but, then it had one mismatching ideology of Left which withdrew it’s outside support to the Govt. on issue of Nuclear Deal with U.S. This deal was to make India a junior partner to Imperialist America and compromise on independent Foreign Policy of the country. U.P.A. Govt. survived on the floor of the parliament, with the support of others waiting in the wings to climb on to the band-wagon of power. Before further developments are discussed, it is important to look into the Global happenings during the earlier times. Emergence of USSR in 1917 as a Workers State compelled the industrially advanced West to hand out social benefits to their workers for fear of revolt against the exploitative Capitalist System in practice in those countries but the disintegration of Socialist States gave Capitalists a ready made platform for propaganda against socialist pattern of society and a few went to the extent of declaring that Socialism has died and now there is no other alternative to human progress but , CAPITALISM. This made a Uni-polar World and U.S.A. the only force in-charge of Global Affairs. As is with all false- hood, this theory too had a short life and the world faced an unparalleled economic crisis in 2008. This Global Economic Crisis not only badly dented the Capitalist Propaganda but also exposed to the world that Capitalism which is based on 1% consuming and amassing 99% percent of global resources has no answers to the basic and fundamental needs of the remaining 99% of populace. Early Nineties witnessed the fall of Nehruvian Economic Model as it was destined. For it was merely an arrangement for the intervening time period to compliment the Capital requirement for local Industrialists, who were short of funds to invest in large core sector projects which had long gestation period and huge Capital requirement, to build–up of BIG-MONEY. This was possible only by way of either taxing people and through deficit financing which resulted the purchasing power of the citizenry shrunk, with no expansion of market it led to closure of lakhs of manufacturing units. Another way adopted for collecting ‘BIG- ‘BIG-MONEY’ was through the route of foreign borrowings – the result has been that now the economy is entrapped in the web of foreign debt compelling the Govt. to compromise the vital national interest of economic sovereignty , meaning that development process got arrested . This surely built the much needed basic infrastructure for the Indian Capitalist. As an obvious outcome - Nehruvian Economic Model failed. Rajiv Gandhi’s Govt. and the era there-after were pushed the national economy into a deeper ditch in a desperate attempt to come out of the debt matrix as the path taken up was that of Pure Capitalism. Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization has allowed speculative foreign capital, which is fluid in nature and operates in fly-by- wire mode has immensely benefitted the Monopoly Capitalists and further worsened the sufferings of the masses and putting us in a Neo-Slavery. The Imperialists now have good enough control over our independent decision making powers and the Govt. is in no position to work for the interest of its people. It is solely the reason as to why the plight of youth, farmers, women and workers is increasing every day and the Govt. seems to have gone deaf and crippled; that’s what you call: POLICY PARALYSIS. No implementation of Labor Laws, No employment for youth, No social security, No farmer friendly Agriculture Policy, No protection to women and No rehabilitation of displaced; is this what is expected of a Govt. Increasing prices of essential commodities with ever increasing inflation , increasing corruption with ever new exposure turning bigger than the previous one and increasing attacks on Schedule caste, tribal’s and minorities ; where are we heading? Is there a way out? Could we have a country of our dreams, do we have a system which will better our lives? YES! The things though at their worst still don’t instill a ‘TINA AFFECT’, there sure is an answer: SITA! So, the question is whether such a system is allowed to survive at the cost larger majority and what could be done about it? One most essential requirement to get rid of this exploitative nexus is to forge unity amongst the forces worst affected and hit by the system and for it identification of friends along with isolation of forces and foes inimical to people in general. Who will be allies in the necessitated change and who all have vested interest in continuance of the system? The further a section is from the means of production the stake is greater , workers have nothing to lose but their chains and so, have the biggest stake and their natural ally are the farmers , particularly the landless farmers. Youth have their future at stake and so, they too have lot in common to join the platform looking ahead for getting rid of a stale, decaying and a dying capitalist regime. The others who have big to gain are small traders, women and intellectuals. Now segregating Industrialists, Corporate, Monopoly Capitalist, Criminals and Landlords is not difficult but, how could the other enemies be left out: Communalists, Casteists and Separatists, are individually and jointly creating the divide in the society which works as an impediment in unification of tolling masses. Through this unity of friendly forces the first step is to bring about people’s revolution which will reorient the agricultural sector and bring the fundamental changes in land ownership status together with actual realization of their produce, with the increased income and purchasing power the economy will expand resulting in increased demand for industrial products, this will in turn create more jobs for the youth and the cycle will thus be there for continuous betterment of living conditions and a life worth human dignity. Last but, the foremost aspect is that entire fight for the change will be led by the working class which will form the core of the people’s unified struggle and so, workers have the biggest responsibility to work beyond their economic demands , which often keep their energies pre-occupied, towards political education which alone will empower them with the much needed class consciousness without which no meaningful change could be brought about. Where RAM failed SITA will Succeeded, Socialism Is The Answer! And those wooing TINA, there is no alternative, will meet the doom.
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 05:22:19 +0000

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