WHILE NOT ALL AGREE, OR ARE SATISFIED WITH STEVEN HARPER, WE ARE EXTREMELY LUCKY TO HAVE HIM AND HIS GOVERNMENT AT THIS TIME. In 2015, the intelligence of our citizens will be tested in a Federal election. Some people have gotten caught up in the hype surrounding Justine Trudeau, his youth, his superstar appearance, and when he doesn’t have his foot in it, his mouth that plays to young voters who know very little about what is happening in the Canada, much less the world. Canada must not elect a leader on charm and charisma. They did that when they elected his father Pierre and look what he gave us, high unemployment, disrespect of our citizens and multiculturalism, which brought with it political correctness, both of which is working against us. Electing Justine Trudeau would turn our country into a country with high immigration and refugee claimants which would drain the social and health programs and further loss of our culture and traditions. Trudeau has zero experience in running any type of business, making or keeping a budget and would expect as he said, “the budget to take care of itself.” Justine Trudeau can’t do a press conference without putting his foot in his mouth, how can we trust him to negotiate, debate or win concession for Canada against strong leaders like Putin. Canada has made an Artic Claim. This submission includes claims to both the Atlantic and Arctic seabeds, and the North Pole. Russia has made a claim on the North Pole as well. Are Canadians willing to trust Trudeau to stand against Putin. Canadians need to THINK LONG AND HARD before turning over the Leadership to someone with no experience, no understanding of how regular hard working people live and what they want. As Israeli soldiers defend their country from ongoing violence in the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper offered support for the besieged nation. In an effort to combat the continuing attacks from Palestinian enemies, Israel’s army conducted a mission last week consisting of ground troops and air strikes that left at least 160 dead. “The indiscriminate rocket attacks from Gaza on Israel are terrorist acts for which there is no justification,” he said in a recent statement. The Canadian Press reports he went on to affirm that Hamas is “deliberately using human shields” as the terror group escalates violence in the region. Harper called on other nations to join him in coming to Israel’s defense. “Failure by the international community to condemn these reprehensible actions would encourage these terrorists to continue their appalling actions,” he said. “Canada calls on its allies and partners to recognize that these terrorist acts are unacceptable and that solidarity with Israel is the best way of stopping the conflict.” Harper called on Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to disarm Hamas terrorists in the pursuit of some semblance of peace in the embattled region. Abbas, however, has recently gone to the United Nations to seek protection for his people. In a recent request to U.N. Secretary General Bank Ki-moon, he complained that the “situation has become unbearable,” citing “hundreds of martyrs and thousands of wounded and huge destruction” in the Gaza Strip. Ki-moon ultimately urged a ceasefire in the region in light of Palestinian deaths last week. Barack Obama weighed in on the matter as well. Far from the unabashedly pro-Israel remarks made by his Canadian counterpart, Obama “emphasized the need for all sides to do everything they can to protect the lives of civilians and restore calm,” a White House statement revealed. westernjournalism/canadian-leader-just-delivered-pro-israel-message-obama-never-make/#iE0rqTAlSJg8yk7U.01
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 05:48:19 +0000

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