WHILE SOME PEOPLE CARP AND COMPLAIN, OTHERS STRIVE ENDLESSLY TO ACHIEVE. ANIL NANDLALL AND PT. HARESH TEWARI ARE TWO OF THE LATTER: At graduation ceremony…. AG Nandlall lauds Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School - Says school provides complete education Ideas are like buds flowering the garden of the mind in the landscape of human achievement; and the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary and Secondary schools evolved into flourishing fruition from the budding vision that germinated in the mind and heart of Pt. Haresh Tewari. Pt. Haresh ascribes to the theory of Vedanta, which he describes as self-realization and its application to existentiality. According to Pandit Haresh, Vedanta is a school of universal thought encapsulating the concepts and precepts of the greatest literature in the world, with nine primary goals, among which are that no person should be left without modern educational equipment by reason merely of want of funds; and that the impartation of knowledge should take into account not only the full growth of a student’s academic personality, but also the existential development to the highest plane of which he is capable through the nurturing of his immortal soul. In other words, asserts Pt. Haresh, great intellectual achievement without full self-realization of the ultimate capabilities for goodness and capacities for love and tolerance for the human world, with all its imperfections, is unfulfilled and incomplete education. He expounds that Vedanta reaches beyond man-made concepts and precepts and is a quest to light the universe with intellectual and spiritual knowledge that would elevate mankind to an existential plane that could very well evolve into a universal family, where each being recognizes that every living creature was created by God and thus everyone has the same rights to the earth’s bounties, but it is a school of thought that also teaches that those bounties must be striven for and that food on the table and the fulfillment of material needs must be achieved through honest toil and not by covetous greed for the fruits of someone else’s toil and sacrifice. It is a universal school that transcends academia and religion to encapsulate the sphere of humankind in totality, while recognizing and respecting the individuality of religion and the sovereignty of global nation states. Pt. Haresh elucidates that Vedanta also teaches that man also has a greater responsibility, and that is to explore the divinity within his own soul and to nurture that divinity to its fullest potential for enlightenment and self-realization, and then, as the light of one candle can be applied to other candles to create an incandescence to rival sunlight, likewise one evolved in spiritual thought can guide others to achieving their own potential for divinity. The Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary and Secondary Schools emerged out of the foregoing precepts, first as a dream cradled in his soul, then as a visionary light in his mind, before finally crystallizing as two major but uniquely different institutions of learning in the landscape of Guyana’s educational system. “Unfolding excellence in action” - The Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School at Lusignan, with the Gopal Mandir partially seen in the foreground Minister Anil Nandlall lauds achievements of school Last Friday the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School held its third annual graduation in its assembly hall at Lusignan on the East Coast of Demerara. Described as erudite and brilliant, as well as an eloquent speaker by chairman of the proceedings, Mr. S. Singh, guest speaker, Attorney-General and Minister of Legal Affairs Anil Nandlall applauded the performance of the school, not merely for its excellence in academia, but also for the simultaneous inculcation of value systems, whereby children are also grounded in spiritual mores and cultural pursuits. Speaking of similarities of socio-economic groundings, having grown up in the East Coast village of Annandale, Nandlall iterated that education is the primary means of extricating oneself from a cycle of poverty. He lauded the fusion of academic, cultural and spiritual pursuits that have been merged into the curricula of both Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary and Secondary Schools and applauded the visionary conceptualization and eventual concretization of such institutions. Alluding to the excellent results obtained by the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School at the 2013 SSPE examinations, Nandlall emphasized that of the 120 placements made to Queen’s College from schools countrywide, seven of the school’s students obtained places at what is still considered Guyana’s premier public secondary school. There were also several placements at President’s College, St. Rose’s and Bishops’ High School, among others. He congratulated the administration, teachers, and parents for their various roles and noted that the roles of teachers is not always fully appreciated for their successes in the final product of achievers scattered all across the globe, averring that whatever heights a person reaches the teachers in his/her life would have played a primary part in that success. The Attorney General declared that salaries are never adequate compensation for the efforts and care invested in the children they teach and guide. Nandlall assured the gathering that Government will continue to empower the educational sector, which has been the recipient of annually increasing budgetary allocations, to the extent where it received for the year 2013 a whopping 28 billion dollars, as against the 2 billion dollars received by his legal affairs ministry. This investment by Government, asserted Nandlall, where the social services, i.e. education, health and housing receives 1/3 of the national budgetary allocation, is paying dividends and he referred to the excellent results achieved consistently at regional exams, which has seen students from Guyanese schools countrywide topping the regional CXC examinations for the last five years, with last year’s top student emerging from Abram Zuil Secondary School on the Essequibo Coast. Referring to Government’s investments in the IT sector Nandlall advised that students should use the computer as an educational tool and assured that Government’s cable will enable provision of free network to all educational and public institutions, as well as hotspots in concentrated areas countrywide. He reiterated that Government would continue to support, enable and facilitate the education sector so that Guyana continues and develops the current trends of excellence in academia. He charged the graduands to adhere to the values they have inculcated during these formative years and reject falling prey to societal ills and anti-social activities. Minister Anil Nandlall addressing the graduands at the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School Mrs. Nalo Tewari acclaimed as guiding light in the progress of the Valmiki Vidyalaya Schools Chairman of the proceedings, Mr. S. Singh (Sir Brown), said that despite CEO and visionary who conceptualized and concretized the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary and Secondary Schools, Pt. Haresh Tiwari not always physically present at the two institutions, his spirit prevails; and he is also ably represented by ‘…the guiding light in the progress of the institutions,” his wife Nalo. Pandit Haresh, however, expressed absolute trust in the performance of the administrative body and the teaching staff, who have consistently delivered premium quality of education as was envisioned and intended and said that his presence is not necessary for that reason; as well as for the fact that his wife Nalo is so committed to the pursuit of excellence and dedicated to the success of both schools. Visionary who conceptualized and brought to fruition the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary and Secondary Schools, Pt. Haresh Tewari with his hard-working and dedicated wife Nalo with 2013 graduands. According to Pandit Haresh, the West believes that “inspiration is an accident, whereas the philosophies of the East is that inspiration is the fortified attempt by the human specie to bring out the best potential residing in the human spirit.” He spoke proudly of the fact that a little rural village such as Lusignan could produce such schools and credited his guru, Brahma Rishi Bawrajie Maharaj, whom he witnessed establishing such institutions across India, for guiding his way and supporting his dream of establishing such institutions of learning, where academia is grounded into a moral and spiritual base. He credited the teachers of the two institutions for not failing his trust and creating an environment and superlatively going that extra mile to produce such consistently excellent results. He told the children that having a teacher is like having God with them and said that merely acquiring academic education is like having a bird flying with one wing; but the balance comes for a soaring flight when values and culture provides the second wing. His charge to the graduands, whom he congratulated for having done so well, was that wherever they go as they enter other dimensions of development and personal growth they should never lose track of the value systems inculcated into them at the Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School, citing Adolph Hitler as a primary example of where education without a moral compass of value systems could lead a person to commit great atrocities; and his charge to the parents was that they should consistently support their children through their scholastic pursuits, as well as maintaining the moral fabric that would mould their character into complete human beings. He praised his wife Nalo for being consistently helpful and accommodating of all his endeavours, as well as Sister Babes for being always supportive of the couples’ programmes in their various spheres of activities. Quoting from Ramayana, Pt Haresh adjured the students to be always patriotic to their homeland and to never turn their backs to the country of their birth. School CEO describes AG Nandlall as having tremendous talent and being extremely accomplished Introducing guest speaker Anil Nandlall, Pt. Haresh recalled their boyhood days in East Coast villages travelling with great difficulty to and from their respective top secondary schools, as well as meeting at UG as one pursued a career in accountancy and the other studied law, and stated that he is proud of the achievements of his boyhood friend, whom he described as having tremendous talent and being extremely accomplished. New librarian and Grade Five student, Desana Autar welcomed the participants, with Yashoda Samaroo delivering the valedictory speech and the vote of thanks being moved by Trisha Heeralall. Also featured in the programme were the school song, “Hey Prabhu ananda daata”, sung by the students, accompanied on the dholak (drum) by Sir Prakash; a patriotic poem “I vow to thee, my country” by pupils of Grade Six; Best Graduating Student and past Head Librarian, Aarti Rooplall, who spoke of her experience at Valmiki, whereby she said, inter alia, that students attending the school should walk with their heads held high and of her pride in having attended that institution, which has programmed her to withstand any challenge emerging ahead; a freedom song sung in Spanish, “Cuando Sali de Cuba”; a well-choreographed and executed classical dance item performed by Desana Autar and Anuradha Tiwari. The handing over of badges and charges to new prefects and librarians, with an address by the new Head Prefect, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Tewari, Madhav Tewari, with a rendition of the National Anthem concluding the formalities, after which refreshments were served. Yashoda Samaroo eloquently and unwaveringly delivering the valedictorian’s speech Many of the graduands have opted to attend the Valmiki Vidyalaya Secondary School, located in the city of Georgetown. Parents opt to send high achievers to Valmiki Vidyalaya Secondary School Enrollment at the primary school is currently exceeding its capacity and the administrative body is regrettably being forced to refuse admission to additional students, which may soon also be the case as parents are opting to send their children to the secondary branch located in Georgetown. The Valmiki Vidyalaya Primary School was formally commissioned adjunctive to the Gopal Mandir in Lusignan on 26 August, 2007. It was therefore considered fitting and auspicious that the secondary stage of the Valmiki Vidyalaya educational institution be commissioned on Janam Ashmi Day on Thursday 2nd Sept in the capital city of Georgetown. Like the primary school, the Valmiki Vidyalaya High School is three stories high, with very high ceilings to dispel humidity and create a healthy environment for academic, cultural and spiritual pursuits, but it is located opposite the Suriname Embassy at Peter Rose and Crown Streets in Central Georgetown, unlike its counterpart at the primary level which is located in the East Coast village of Lusignan. Officiating at the simple commissioning Havan of the high school were Pandits Ravi Persaud and Haresh Tewari. The institution is a joint venture between the Gandhi Youth Organisation and the International Vedanta University. Speaking on that occasion visionary who conceptualized both institutions, Pandit Haresh Tewari said that the primary school is doing exceedingly well and that the same is expected of the secondary school, because, as in the primary school, the teachers will not focus merely on the high achievers, but will give each student equal attention, with those who are lagging behind provided extra tutelage so that they can improve their grades and simultaneously their chances of acquiring excellent results at the CXC exams. Pandit Haresh also said then that the focus of both institutions is to mould rounded personalities, with academic achievements corresponding to personality enhancement, where proper conduct, high moral values, and integrity are equally important as good grades. According to him, a significant challenge is the fact that the school will have to sustain its financial viability to cover overhead and related expenses, although he assured that many poor children who prefer to attend the institution instead of the public schools may be sponsored by a wealthy patron. Pt Haresh says that "Children are not buckets to be filled, but lamps to be lit." He sees each child as a unique and individual person whose potential needs to be nurtured and optimized and perceived the need to move beyond merely being a pandit reciting sacred texts to encouraging the academics so that mental enlightenment can enhance the understanding of the scriptures and thus enrich spiritual enlightenment. That the institutions of learning that he established have achieved the success envisioned by their founder and consolidated the motto of the school “unfolding excellence in action” has been evidenced by the consistently appreciating examination results every year since the inception of their establishment. Board and faculty members present trophies to top achievers 1 2 Member of the school Board, Mr. Persaud of Ganesh Parts presents trophy to top graduating students 3 Board member Pt. Ravi Persaud presents trophy to high achiever
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 04:48:54 +0000

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