WHILE THE FOLK AT FACEBOOK PONTIFICATE AND CONTINUE TO KEEP ME IN FACEBOOK JAIL I STILL MANAGE TO RUN THIS FORUM IN PARTS! SAY HELLO TO A BUNCH OF NEW BANANA HEADS ... As you know, Facebook ... in its infinite wisdom has banned me to the sidelines for whatever reason Ive yet to understand ... However, I have managed to do a work-around of sorts in order to get back into things piecemeal as best I can while staying under THEIR radar! They have messed up my ability to keep accurate track of our Newbies and they have restricted me from posting anything, or commenting, or putting photos on the forum until they lift the arbitrary crush-Sonny campaign they launched on me two weeks ago when they completely removed me from the forum, leaving the forum devoid of any trace of yours truly. That went away after the temporary black-out. Now --- they have impeded me from running the forum in the smooth manner which I have been doing for a year. This is the SECOND intrusion into my Forum Administrator affairs that they have stuck their noses. Who knows what their socialistic reasoning is other than to prove that THEY are in charge ... THEY hold the power ... Reminds me of the old Outer Limits TV series ... Do not attempt to adjust your TV ... We are in charge .... ... That, and The Twilight Zone of which Im beginning to feel as if Im actually stranded .... Next stop --- The Banana Zone! .... I have sent this item via my secondary, alternate Facebook account which is not as effective as my primary, but it does allow me to get things done in a fashion. Included herein are all the names that I could find who have joined our forum since last week, along with the names of those who brought them in. This is RAW data as pulled from our recent membership sign up. Sorry, but it also shows all the other hoopla that accompanies the information. It is just too time-consuming to delete it all operating under the limited and restricted abilities that I am due to the Know-It-Alls at Facebook. So --- here are everyone I could muster up since last week (although some may have already been previously announced) ... We welcome them and appreciate having them as Newbies, as well as those who brought them in. They are all officially Exalted Grand Banana Heads in good standing ... Great Big Texas Howdy and Warm Washington County Welcome go out to ... Robert Gaertner was added by Sonny Ray Stolz 9 seconds ago · Write a comment to welcome him. Tammy Bigham Bush was added by Sonny Ray 2 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Sharon Mendoza was added by Sonny Ray 2 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Cj Bice was added by Sonny Ray 2 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Dot Borchgardt was invited by Robert Mueller 4 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Donna Clay was added by Peggy Ward 8 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Laurie Stegint was invited by Robert Mueller 16 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Natalie Bell was invited by Robert Mueller 16 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Roy Hodges was added by Larry Moreno 16 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome him. Christie McKee Grimm was invited by Robert Mueller 19 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Gail Seilheimer was added by Jackie Becker Justice 21 hours ago · Write a comment to welcome her. Connie Janda Smith was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Tuesday · Write a comment to welcome her. John Trostle was invited by Robert Mueller on Tuesday · Write a comment to welcome him. Dana Landrum Friar was added by Toni Mikeska Collier on Tuesday · Write a comment to welcome her. Jane Hill was added by Tonya Burnette Currie on Tuesday · Write a comment to welcome her. Sonya Jackson Hahn was added by Ed Portis on Monday · Write a comment to welcome her. Jerry Don Courtney was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Monday · Write a comment to welcome him. Joyce Gaskamp was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Monday · Write a comment to welcome her. Cissy Payten was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Monday · Write a comment to welcome her. Sonny Ray was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Monday · Write a comment to welcome him. Susan Lancaster Lake was added by Gary Rothermel on Monday · Write a comment to welcome her. Carole Macmanus was invited by Robert Mueller on Monday · Write a comment to welcome her. Stephanie Triplett was added by Katie Smith Moehlmann on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. Connie Moreno was added by Darlene Lozano on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. Bruce White was added by Debbie Peschel on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome him. Clarice Lampe was invited by Robert Mueller on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. Susan Karcher Bulkley was added by Rachel Loesch Huffman on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. Ruth Hubbell Campbell was added by Chanda Cowen on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. Misty Meinecke Cole was added by Janice Ruemke Duch on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. Iris Lancaster was added by Tammy Schoenberg Oberhoff on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome her. John AndSharon Graham was added by Charlene Schmitt on Sunday · Write a comment to welcome him. Amanda Tiffin was added by Sheila Blue Rieck on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Jesse Rieck was invited by Sheila Blue Rieck on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome him. Ellie Mariscal Mendoza was invited by Sheila Blue Rieck on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Leah M Richardson Malone was added by Sheila Blue Rieck on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Kim Logan Bosse was added by Tricia Nienstedt Zwahr on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Sharon Noak Moehlmann was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Pauline Nelson was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. William Shepherd was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome him. Amy Bodiford Ashorn was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome them. Laura Cleckley Dillingham was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Johanna Nelms-Schroeder was added by Sonny Ray Stolz on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Scott Morris was invited by Robert Mueller on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome him. Susan Jenkins was added by Robert Mueller on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Alex Jordan was invited by Robert Mueller on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome him. Seth Logan was invited by Robert Mueller on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome him. Jessica Wilson was added by Tabitha Dahmann Hudson on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Morgan Marie Wendler was added by Bethany Gregory on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Jordan Melton was added by Christen Borgstedt on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Judy Mikeska Schulz was added by Kathy Schulz Miller on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Gail Andrejczak was added by LaVerne Krumrey on Saturday · Write a comment to welcome her. Mandy Ward was added by Teresa Colunga Hernandez on Friday · Write a comment to welcome her. Penny Foerster was added by Tricia Nienstedt Zwahr last Friday · Write a comment to welcome her. Pat Neveux was added by Larry Neveux last Friday · Write a comment to welcome her. Kathy Ward was added by Latonji Roberson Brown last Friday · Write a comment to welcome her. Tierra ColemanWells Collins Clark was added by Eddie L. Sweed Jr. last Thursday · Write a comment to welcome her. Will Corn was added by Shelby Elizabeth Thiel last Thursday · Write a comment to welcome him. Debra Dorow Eckert was added by Laura Meyer Perkey last Thursday · Write a comment to welcome her. David Brodhead was added by Gary Rothermel last Thursday · Write a comment to welcome him. Joshua Ruemke was added by Vickie Eberhart Dannhaus last Thursday · Write a comment to welcome him. Leah Cramer Cook was added by Brandy Oevermann Monares last Thursday · Write a comment to welcome her. Cassie Jeffries was added by Sonny Ray Stolz last Wednesday · Write a comment to welcome her. Cody Schulze was added by Ross Jaster last Wednesday · Write a comment to welcome him. Karla Renee Thornton Stevens was added by Melinda Todd last Wednesday · Write a comment to welcome her. Misty-Eric Sanders was added by Rowan Camille last Wednesday ·
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 20:53:54 +0000

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