WHILST THEY TRY TO INSULT PLEASE REVIVE A SUNNAH OF OUR BELOVED PROPHET MUHUMMAD - (PEACE BE UPON HIM) A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the worlds most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular level. Michael H. Hart While they try to insult spread the word to spread the beauty. .. The Description of The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Table of Contents The Prophet was of a slightly above-average height. Amazingly, in gatherings, he would appear taller than those actually taller than him - until the people dispersed. In complexion, he was white with a rosy tinge; pale, but not excessively so. His hair was jet black and wavy, but stopped short of curling, and was kept between his earlobes and shoulders. Sometimes he would part his hair at the middle. Other times, he would wear it braided. The Prophet (pbuh) had the physique of a powerful man. He had a broad upper-back and shoulders between which was the Seal of Prophethood. He had long muscular limbs, large joints and a wide girth. His lean stomach never protruded out past the profile of his chest. His face was radiant, as if the sun were following its course across and shining from his face, said one Companion. His neck was silvery white; his forehead, prominent; his pupils, large and black; his eyelashes, long and thick; his nose, high-tipped with narrow nostrils. At the time of his death, the Prophet had exactly 17 white hairs shared between his temples and the front of his thick, beard. He had hair on his forearms and shins and a line of fine hair also ran from his chest to his navel. The Prophet (pbuh) would walk briskly with a forward-leaning gait, moving with strength of purpose and lifting each foot clearly off the ground. His pace was such that fit men would tire trying to keep up. When he turned, he would turn his whole body, giving full attention to the one addressing him and showing complete concern to what was being said. When he pointed, he would use an open hand so as not to offend. Likewise, when he criticized a persons behavior, rather than name the individual, he would simply say: Why do people do so and so? He would laugh only to the extent that the gap between his front teeth would become visible. He would become angry only to the extent that his face would turn red and the vein between his fine, bow-shaped eyebrows would bulge. He once said: I am the master of the descendants of Adam and I do not say so out of pride. (Tirmidthi) That freedom from pride was obvious even to children, who would playfully lead the Prophet (pbuh) through the streets of Medina whilst grasping his finger. Indeed he had said: He who does not show mercy to our young, nor honor our old, is not from us. (Abu Dawood) (Allah has sent you) a Messenger who recites to you the clear Signs of Allah that He may take out those who believe and work righteousness from the darkness to the light (of Islamic Monotheism). [65:11] Ali, cousin and son-in-law to the Prophet, said of Muhammad: He was the Last of the Prophets, the most giving of hearts, the most truthful, the best of them in temperament and the most sociable. Whoever unexpectedly saw him would stand in awe of him, and whoever accompanied him and got to know him would love him. Those describing him would say: I have never seen anyone before or after him who was comparable to him. The Prophets beloved wife, Aishah, said of her selfless husband: He always joined in household chores and would at times mend his clothes, repair his shoes and sweep the floor. He would milk, tether and feed his animals.(Bukhari) She also described his character as: The Quran (exemplified). Indeed in the Messenger of Allah you have an excellent example to follow for whoever hopes in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 08:05:08 +0000

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