WHITE ELM TREE - PURPOSES AND NONE PURPOSES Many have asked me - TopicsExpress


WHITE ELM TREE - PURPOSES AND NONE PURPOSES Many have asked me about striping the Elm tree. So I have detailed a study concerning the tree and will share this information with you all today. It does kill the tree and we do not kill any thing except it is of greater benefit and purpose to do so. So let us look into the acts concerning this tree. Non Purpose - The white Elm`s wood burns very fast and creates a high amount of debris that will clog a flue up fast like a pine tree does. So it is not good for fire wood. The logging industry does not harvest the Elm for chip wood as they say that it does not make a good osb type product neither a plywood type product so it is not good for that purpose either. Purpose - The white Elm Tree is very Medicinal and has many purposes. Natural Uses for the bark before it is powdered etc. The inner bark can be put it into a cup of water it will make a salve like skim it is really slippery and you can immediately use it for ointment like salve to treat urinary tract inflammation, it is great on cold soars it is good on small wounds (like rubbing on a salve) good for tooth aches and it is really good for drawing out boils. If you have a family member that has trouble with boils this may be the best thing that you ever teach them just take the salve and put it on the boil wrap a bandage around it. These are all things that can be done just by soaking the inner bark for a few minutes in water then just slide a knife over the bark and the slimy salve is amazing medicine. There is much more that it is used for as well but that is all after the medicine producers have created the product from the bark. Here is another good thought concerning the trees. The value of the bark for medicinal reasons to the digger / puller/ etc. is greater than the value of most hard wood trees that are sold for wood and for creating osb/plywood etc. So that if I cut a nice white oak and sell it to the mill I would make more income from cutting the Elm tree of the same size for the inner bark only. (some rare hard woods are worth more than the elms inner bark) As with any thing else leave the small trees only harvest big old mature trees. Also you can not pull a white elm tree just any where. You must own the land or you must have a writing permission slip from the land owner to pull the trees. Contact your local Agg: dept. or forestry office for more information. I do not think that the pulling of white elm will be permitted for many more years in our area because of how they are concerned with to many trees being pulled over the past 10 seasons in the App: Mountains.... Last thought - After study I believe that to use the tree for medicine is the right purpose for the tree and may very well be why the good Lord give us this great tree. As with any thing else there seems to be no end to the greed for any great root herb or bark and over harvesting is creating a problem that will soon be dealt with by legal authorities in my opinion ( that is my opinion only) Hope that this is a help to everyone. Billy.
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 15:59:06 +0000

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