WHITE HOUSE TRYING TO PROVOKE IMPEACHMENT? In the late days of - TopicsExpress


WHITE HOUSE TRYING TO PROVOKE IMPEACHMENT? In the late days of the Roman Republic, Roman governors of conquered provinces would enrich themselves by deliberately misruling their province; provoking the provincials into rebellion. Which would then be crushed by that same governor, who would greatly enrich himself by the confiscation of rebel property and by selling the rebellious provincials into slavery. It was a cynical, despicable system that benefited the Roman ruling class; at the cost of good governance and domestic tranquility. This system was only, eventually, done away with by the strong hand of the first emperor, Augustus Caesar; who punished governors who mistreated their citizens and subjects. The modern ruling class seems to play a similar game: looting their citizens (through confiscatory tax-rates and a myriad of fees and surcharges, much of which only benefits these same politicians and their key constituencies); and by provoking crisis and controversies that only serve to divide the nation, rather than unite it. Today, there are calls by unwise or unscrupulous sources to impeach the President. Unwise because to try this would be not only a waste of time (even if the House were to pass articles of impeachment, the Democratic-controlled Senate would, which sits as jury, would NEVER vote him guilty); it would backfire, leaving the President stronger and more popular than ever. Unscrupulous because those calling for it are often attached to action groups seeking your donations in support of there activism. What is interesting is that the White House is now seeming to provoke impeachment; taunting the Republicans, flaunting the law, failing to provide leadership (or even a coherent policy) on a myriad of issues, and sending our spokesmen suggesting that the President expects the House to impeach him. Now, no one in the Republican leadership has voiced ANY support for this insane measure. The biggest name to endorse this is the seldom-temperate Sarah Palin; who is not a Republican leader, nor even an elected official. Republicans and others who, like me, think this Presidents policies are destructive and bad for this nation must also be smart. Concentrate on taking away the Senate in the fall, rather than giving Obama what he wants: an impeachment fiasco. huffingtonpost/2014/07/25/john-boehner-impeach_n_5620467.html
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:54:00 +0000

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