WHM FAMILY NEWS: Great morning family. Remember - TopicsExpress


WHM FAMILY NEWS: Great morning family. Remember #ChurchBeginsOnMonday. Lots going on in our midst I though we should bring everyone up to date. As you may already know, our brother Ernest Mugisha went to be with the Lord last week. He was also the senior pastor of Joy Revival Ministries in Mbarara. Such was the humility of the man that he chose to be a member of one church while pastoring another! When he learnt about the grace of God, he went and apologized to his church for all the legalism hed taught them over the years. Ssekaayi Johnmark represented us well at the burial in Kabale. He sent images of celebration at the burial. It didnt look like a burial at all. Thanks Johnmark. On a completely different note, our brother Wamala Victor got married this past Saturday to Birungi Rebecca Nakayaga. It was a lovely occasion. Chris Davis Nsubuga-Mugga and I represented you fully. The band at the reception was out of this world. On a celebratory note, Phillip Kobusinge and Ruth his wife got a baby boy this past Friday. Phillip is our Finance manager here at WHM. Denis Beloved Okurmu and Eve K Okurmu also got a baby about two weeks ago. Ronette Atukunda has a baby as well. Our friends Deo Beresi and Anne Beresi who are spearheading the Entebbe Team had to be admitted to Nsambya Hospital late Thur night/early Friday morning as their baby had complications that night. They later found out it was pneumonia. The baby is recovering well. I write this to especially appreciate Brian Roy Kabuubi and Stella Kabuubi aka Baylor Love who are their G12 mates for being real family. They came that night after 2am and drove them to hospital. Now that is what makes me fall in love gain and again with this church family! Congratulations to Sarah Mukisa, Angela Sanyu Okullo and Karungi Kwatampora for their incredible preaching this past Sunday. It was also their very first time to preach at #WHM. Let me hear an amen if you were blessed... This past weekend, Three Missional Communities carried out missional activities. The Okullos MC is offering Youth Alpha Course at the Hub, Saturdays. Berna Amodoi must be heavily involved. The Kisas MC did something business related for communities in Kira/Kyaliwajjala area on sat at Naalya and the B7s MC did the same for Naalya area businesses on Sunday evening. Thank you Odom II & Angela, Noah Baalessanvu & Rachel A Baalessanvu, Sam Kisa G & Anne Kakande Kisa for your awesome leadership. Meanwhile Jeremy Byemanzi has an incredible concert coming up on 30th August at Kati Kati. Its so incredible it even includes a barbecue!!! Hes been giving us tantalizing titbits of the music. Talk to Roxanna A Kazibwe to get your tickets, which are 50k (includes CD, barbecue & drink) This past weekend, 1234 of us gathered in four locations to celebrate the One and Only #JESUS. Thanks for inviting all your family and friends. Tukikole neera!!! Beginning September, the blockbuster series WHATS SO AMAZING ABOUT GRACE #WSAAG returns to Worship Harvest. If youve never invited anyone to church, this is your change. Its going to be awesome! If you have news from your corner of this church family, you can add here below. Thanks for living out the life that Jesus calls us to. Enjoy Church!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:48:03 +0000

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