WHO ACTUALLY KILLED MICHAEL BROWN? Regardless which side or - TopicsExpress


WHO ACTUALLY KILLED MICHAEL BROWN? Regardless which side or version of the Michael Brown incident in Ferguson, Missouri, you believe, or whether you agree with the T-Shirt that was trying to be sold in Ferguson, here’s a very interesting twist on the story that the ‘mainstream media’ has consistently ignored. The mother of Michael Brown, Lesley McSpadden, could be charged with felony armed robbery for allegedly attacking people in a Ferguson parking lot because they were selling T-shirts honoring the late teenager. See the picture of Ms. McSpadden and her live-in boyfriend (not Michael’s stepfather), and the picture of the T-Shirt attempting to be sold by Pearlie Gordon, the grandmother of Michael Brown. To set the stage for this story, it is important to know some of the facts about Michael Brown’s so-called family. • Lesley McSpadden is Michael Brown’s mother, but she never married his father. • Ms. McSpadden currently lives with her boyfriend, Louis Head. Not being married, Mr. Head is not Michael’s stepfather, and thus in every sense has no legal or otherwise any say regarding this tragedy. See pic. • Michael lived with his Grandmother, Pearlie Gordon, who actually raised him since his mother, Lesley, abandoned him to her. • Ms. McSpadden attacked the Grandmother with a group of friends and stole her money (proceeds from T-Shirt sale; see pic) because Ms. McSpadden felt entitled to the funds! The complete story of this attack is detailed in the following narrative. The Ferguson Police Department is currently investigating claims that Lesley McSpadden brought a group of people - including her own mother - to attack and beat vendors and rob them of their “Justice for Mike Brown” merchandise on Oct. 18. One person was hospitalized in the reported attack and another unidentified alleged victim was reportedly beaten with a pipe. Lesley McSpadden’s former mother-in-law, Pearlie Gordon (Michael Brown’s grandmother), was among those beaten by Lesley McSpadden and her “…large group of about 20-30 subjects” that “jumped out of vehicles and rushed” the group of sellers, according to the police report. Pearlie Gordon, 54, was allegedly knocked to the ground and repeatedly struck in the head. Mrs. Gordon detailed the brief exchange she had with McSpadden at the time of the attack, saying that McSpadden told her, “You can’t sell this s**t,” according to the police report. Mrs. Gordon told McSpadden that “unless McSpadden could produce documentation stating that she had a patent on her son’s name, she (Gordon) was going to continue to sell her merchandise,” according to the report. The gall and hypocrisy of Lesley McSpadden is beyond belief, but it does give a glimpse into the total dysfunction of this family, and probably why Michael Brown was so contemptuous of authority, which we all know is what eventually led to his confrontation with a police officer and his subsequent untimely death. Who killed Michael Brown, these facts point to his own mother, Lesley McSpadden, because of her abandonment of Michael and what has to be described as an apparent immoral life style. It would seem that these facts should at least have some profound effect upon President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, to, rather than fan the flames of racial divide, but to call for the need for the Black community to start rebuilding real solid family units and values, where parents marry and stay together to dedicate themselves to their children and instill good moral values and an understanding of why it is important to conduct oneself in accordance to the rules of society, the rule of law that protects everyone. Rather than focus on a single death of a Black youth gone astray due to a serious dysfunctional family environment, why aren’t the Black communities across the nation outraged over the fact that 90% of Black male deaths results from Black on Black crime, and less than 1% from a police confrontation. This whole episode is being played purely for political gain, and in the case of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, it’s being played to fill their bank accounts. None of these people give “two hoots to a damn” about the Black community or its future, only how much they can suck out of it for their own personal and political gain. Personally I am tired of the cries of racism that is so much hypocrisy by the aforementioned “race hustlers and true bigots” in our country. If the Black community truly wants ‘all’ its children to succeed in America, then it needs to start holding up real Black men and women who actually care about the Black community, and point to them as role models for their children to emulate. Here as just a few that have tried to uplift their people by actions and example, folk like: Dr. Ben Carson en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Carson Allen West en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allen_West_(politician) Condoleezza Rice en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condoleezza_Rice Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_Thomas Thomas Sowell. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Sowell Click on the links beneath their names to read a little their background to know just how exceptional they are as people and about their achievements. If these individual Black men and women made it, then someone tell me how they did it if there is so much racial discrimination and hatred for Blacks in America – that’s because there really isn’t any racial discrimination unless you are a Black that has been brainwashed by the Democrat Party and the race hustlers into committing yourself to being a lifelong victim as an excuse for your lack of motivation and ambition and achievement? This is America where everyone can be a success; it just takes individual courage and hard work! If America is so racist, then just how did Barack Obama get elected to the Presidency twice!?
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:48:43 +0000

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