WHO ARE AMEACHIS ADVISERS? Yes it is worthy of Note that your - TopicsExpress


WHO ARE AMEACHIS ADVISERS? Yes it is worthy of Note that your Tenure has not witnessed the reckless political killings that occured during the Dr Peter Odili adminstration and that alone is a commendable fit. For the first time in more than 10years there was virtually power in the local communities , I Can attest for that in Abua, Sir, you carried out massive road construction and bridges, you lifted the standard of our primary schools by taking it over from the local government and building beautiful edifice for our brothers and sisters. Through your commissioner of education you raised the discipline of (Teachers) , you upgraded COE to a university status ..these and other great achievement your government had and nobody can take away that (even with party affilation and acrimony) But MY dear Governor, his excellency Rt Hon chibuike Ameachi has lost his touch, he is far from reality, yes it obvious that you did successfully well and above all expectation in your first Tenure and consolidated your achievement in your first year of your 2nd Tenure. But how come you lost touch is shocking, you cry foul about the federal government and impunity and I ask what is Ameachi saying about impunity, you remember when you sealed off the office of APGA and withdrew their C of O in 2011? remember when you imposed Fakae as the VC of RSUST ? Even with all opposition and protest against this appointment by lecturers and students, you were adamant and you sticked to your guns, You remember when you sent police to chase people having a political meeting in new GRA and even threatened of prosecuting them for cultism? You remember when you sent Wike and co to block the Campaign of ACN(as she then was)? Yes I remember that day @ ikwerre road precisely Rumuigbo Junction, my dear Governor, you actually suspended more than 8local government chairmen for coming late to a meeting , isnt that impunity? You systematically removed the Chairman of Okrika local government area because he organised a reception for Mrs Patience Jonathan. You imposed 23local local government chairmen on rivers people for two tenures without opposition, Isnt that impunity? You went and started an elephant project called mono rail against the wishes of rivers people , I was shocked when I learnt you actually followed Mallam Nasir El RUfai to the SSS headquarters, and I ask were u invited? Or are you the only APC Governor where are the Aregbesolas , Fasholas and Buharis? ..the truth be told , the actions of the police in most cases rivers state is actually unlawful a show of shame and lack of Professionalism. But I ask why this so sudden change of crisis, you came into office through the wise decision of the Men in Robes (Judges) but when a court of competent Jurisdiction declared Felix Obuah as the Authentic chairman of PDP you bluntly refused to accord him the necessary recognition, isnt this impunity? You have lost touch to the extend that workers are owed salaries unjustly, salaries are drastically deducted, Is this the man we voted massively for? I admire you a lot , your comradeship and zeal of youthfulness , you are a man full of life, you must not always talk talk and put yourself in a tight corner, remember no man is an island and all men are political animal by nature, things must not always be the way you want it, But sir, rivers people will also know that you carried out project with disregard to advice . You took an oath to serve rivers people but you went ahead and started fighting for Governorship Forum (an unconstitutional body) even against the advise of your party leadership, You, remember you cant put something on nothing and expect it to stand. Things you will settle indoors you took it outside , I love You Governor Ameachi, but you must come back to reality : your advisers must shun personal agrandizement and advise you dispassionately. Remember your powers and rights has a limit , it stops where that of another begins. Zinami Iwariso F. (A Student leader )
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:53:26 +0000

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