WHO ARE ENEMRY ANARCHISTS? It’s worth your time to read and - TopicsExpress


WHO ARE ENEMRY ANARCHISTS? It’s worth your time to read and ponder this post from Clayton Weaver. You will appreciate it if you are a conservative, it may open your eyes if you call yourself a Liberal. From Clayton Weaver – 091513 The Enemy Anarchists? – Way to go Democrats, we the real Americans are grateful to you for sending Harry Reid to Congress, the depth of his ignorance is only exceed by his Parties bedfellows, Nancy Pelosi, Dick Durban, Joe Biden, Sheila Jackson Lee, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.... Just incredible, the number of low information voters who reside in the Democrat Party is astounding to me. Abandoning individual freedom for perceived safety seems to be new but it is as old as the human race. Liberals are destroying our once great country brick by brick through their incredible ignorance. Last week was an interesting one for me, shear clueless ignorance abound from the leadership of the Democrat Party. Fortunately, the dumbbells on the Republican side of the aisle were reasonably quiet with the exception of House Speaker John Boehner, really Republicans is he the best you have? Democrats please educate me, if our country does not have a ‘Constitutional’ Representative Republic what type of government do we have? I contend we have a despotic or tyrannical government, an oligarchy at best. Last week I witnessed the reemergence of the Keystone cops and they seem to be running our foreign policy, I thought they were fictional people obviously I was wrong. The Bumblers Barack Obama and John Kerry are alive and well in fact doing an exquisite job making themselves and our country look like fools. A fellow Democrat, Vladimir Putin took them to the wood shed and happens to be leading them around by the nose. I thought Barack and John were the smartest masterminds in the in the world. Apparently, their fellow ideological traveler is just a tad more brilliant. What happens when a dummy tries to be the smartest person in the room, political gaffe’s.. John Kerry, please. Russian anarchist Aleksandrovich Bakunin died in 1876 but apparently, he is alive and well according to Harry Reid of the Democrat Party. He has been raised from the dead in Harry Reid’s mind; Aleksandrovich is the spiritual leader of that cabal in the Congress of the United States called The Tea Party. Harry, I am one of those people who wouldn’t mind seeing the current Congress descend into chaos and flames!! Republicans notice, I did not exclude you. I believe the Tea Party Patriots stand for and support “the peoples” laws enshrined in our Constitution. Democrats, what is the opposite of following the Constitutional laws of “we the people,” traitor or anarchist perhaps. Could it possibly be anarchistic acts like ObamaCare and spying on the American People….? Those Democrats, always accusing ‘the other guy’ for doing exactly what they are doing, just brilliant unfortunately for them more and more people are catching on. Besides the confusion on “who” the anarchist’s are, the word ‘exceptionalism’ came up and the Democrat Party once again began the bastardization of another meaning in our lexicon, gay, marriage, a right, fag, fagging, greed…. Are all words that have been distorted and contorted by liberals. President Obama has not a clue once again, not a real surprise so I will attempt to explain what American Exceptionalism means. Mr. President and his Democrat followers, please pay attention. American Exceptionalism concludes that all men/woman are created equal under God, every individual has a “right” given to him/her by god to seek as much self-interest as he/she determines. We have the right given to us by our creator to seek self-preservation not only for ourselves but our families. We have the right to life and liberty and the pursuit of as much happiness as we choose. Our property, intellectual or through labor is “our” property and should NEVER be confiscated and redistributed by a tyrannical government under any circumstance. Through the efforts of self-interest each American citizen promotes civility, sociability, industriousness, prosperity and charity among men. Mr. President and Democrat Drones, our country is exceptional because of our individual freedom and the beneficence of our country. We not only represent freedom and charity we spread throughout the world. The men and woman of this country have freed more people than any country in the history of human kind, which makes us exceptional. Mr. President, are the Russians exceptional, are the Chinese, are the Cubin’s… God help me, I do get tired of explaining common sense to the ideological drones of this country. If I had the time I would explain negative and positive rights.. Clayton Weavers Conservative Warriors
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 15:59:05 +0000

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