WHO ARE SATAN AND DEMONS IN THE BIBLE OF CHRISTENDOM ACCORDING TO JESUS CHRIST (PEACE BE UPON HIM)? @Rebuttal to fake Apostle Paul as the former fake Isa (Jesus) Almasih) and Roland Yabut Perez who have said that Almighty Allah is a disguise Satan and Muhammad (may Allah exalt his mention) has been possessed by demon and a false prophet: All the followers of the teachings of Paul are Satan or demons except the Muslims (i.e. believers) because they are the followers of Jesus Christ in the bible. Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) has said: Anyone who is not for me is really against me (Matthew 12:30). What I teach is not my own teaching but it comes from God who sent me (John 7:16 TEV). Those who do not love me do not obey my teaching. And the teaching you have heard is not mine, but it comes from the Father, who sent me (John 14:24). I am telling you the truth: those who hear my words and believe in him (Allah) who sent me have eternal life (Paradise) [John 5:24]. In the New International Encyclopedia, the word Paul, said: Satan entered into the body of Paul and his skin was transfigured into the appearance of the skin of fish. Whereas, in the Gospel of Barnabas, Published in Clarendon Press, 1907, Chapter 50:70, Jesus said to his apostles, thus: Beware of a man who will emerge (come) after me. Satan will enter into his body and will teach the people that I am God and the Son of God. Those who will believe his teaching have double torments on the Day of Judgment in the Fire of Hell. In the different versions of the bible as long as English translation and not vernacular language, Paul said: … It has thorns in my flesh: the messenger of Satan…(2 Corinthians 12:7). This implies that Satan was manipulating Paul to preach that Jesus was God and at the same time the Son of God. But what was the teaching of Paul? Paul said: Let us preach to the people that Jesus Christ is God for the Glory of the Father (Philippians 2:11). When Jesus was called by Peter as Lord, he turned unto Peter and said to him: You (Peter) are Satan (Matthew 16:22-23). I therefore conclude that all the people who are calling Jesus as Lord are also Satan! Another teaching of Paul, he taught in the synagogue of Damascus that Jesus was the son of God (Acts 9:20). When many demons came out and at the same time they shouted unto Jesus, thus: You are the son of God! But Jesus rebuked them not to say it because they knew that Jesus was Christ (Missiah) [Luke 4:41]. I therefore also conclude that all people who are calling Jesus as son of God are also Demons the synonym of Satan by calling him as Lord. In the Holy Quran Allah said: He (Allah) begetteth not nor is he begotten (Quran 112:3). In the King James Version, Numbers 23:19, said: God is not like a man that he should lie, neither the son of man that he should repent. In Job 25:4 of the King James Version said, thus: How then can man be justified with God? Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman (Job 25:4 King James Version)? While Jesus said that he was the son of man (Matthew 9:6)/ 12:40/ Mark 2:10/ Luke 19:10/ John 3:13) had been witnessed by an angel that Jesus was the son of Mary in Luke Chapter one verses 30-31. Jesus was a prophet, according to him in your bible (Matthew 13:57), had been witnessed by a woman that he was a prophet (John 4:19) including his contemporary people said that Jesus was a prophet in Nazareth, Galilee (Matthew 21:10-11). Question: Are you for Jesus Christ that according to him in the bible he was a prophet and the son of man? Or are you for Paul he said that Jesus Christ was God and the son of God? Jesus said: Anyone who is not for me is really against me (Matthew 12:30). Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah!) All Muslims are for the teachings of Jesus in the bible as prophet (Matthew 13:57), the son of man (John 3:13), was not crucified (John 10:39), did not resurrect (Luke 20:34-36/ 24:36-43) and does not want the Christians to worship him (John 5:41) because it is in vain and a man made doctrine, according to him (Mark 7:7 KJV). Whereas, the Christians now are following the teaching of the messenger of Satan who entered in the body of Paul (2 Corinthians 12:7) throught the bible that contradicts against the teachings of Jesus Christ from the aforementioned verses. If I were you I should embrace Islam before your death because Allah has said, thus: If anyone desires a religion other than Peace (i.e. Islam) never will it be accepted of him. And in the hereafter he will be among the ranks of those who have lost (Quran 3:85). According to Christian World Encyclopedia, 1984, page 17, said that there are 22,190 religions of Christendom. But even a single religion of Christendom, Jesus Christ (may Allah exalt his mention) never leave it for us except Peace (i.e. Islam religion). Jesus Christ said: Peace (i.e. Islam religion) I leave with you; it is my own Peace that I give you. I do not give it as the world does (man made religions). Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid (to embrace Islam religion) [John 14:27 TEV].
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 07:20:26 +0000

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