WHO ARE THE DISCIPLES AND WHO ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD: Those who bore witness about Abraham, Moses, Melchizedek and other prophets of old had short lived testimonies whereas those who bore witness about Our Lord Jesus Christ are called the Apostles. THOSE OPPORTUNED TO BEAR WITNESS ABOUT THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THIS GENERATION ARE THE LUCKIEST. THEY ARE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD. Recall that portion which says that "A neighbor shall not teach a neighbor; neither shall a brother teach his fellow brother, saying know the Lord. (Hebrew 8:11). Right now can you remember or tell who has taught you of God? Now you have known this. Somebody may approach you and ask for where the God you are claiming to know is. If you point to a geographical location as the abode of God, you have failed. If you are confronted with such questions, do not tell anybody any other thing. Tell them to become fully repentant, to confess their sins and get baptized. The moment they believe and are baptized, they will receive the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit will further reveal Himself unto them. HE WILL REVEAL HIMSELF UNTO THEM. NOW THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME IN PERSON SENDING NO ONE. HE IS THE ONE AND ONLY SUPERNATURAL TEACHER. HE IS THE ONE DOING ALL THESE WORKS. The Son loves the Father and the Father who loves the son, has revealed all things unto him. Our Lord Jesus Christ said, "If you were to understand, you would have rejoiced because I go to the Father and the Father is greater than I." (John 14:28). And now you can precisely understand that the Father, even the Holy Spirit, has come in person and He is the one doing all the works. No person is responsible for these works, except the Holy Spirit. You cannot attribute these works done to any other person. The Holy Spirit Himself has come to reveal Himself to every person. The Son witnessed about the Father and the Father has come. The Father is the Holy Spirit. He is the one doing all the work around us. Our work is to go forth, proclaim and reveal Him unto the world that He has now come. You cannot attribute all these works to any other person. He has come to reveal Himself and to finalize his works. None other than Him is responsible for all the works around us. The Holy Spirit Is God The Holy Spirit has come in person. He is the one who calls you. He is God. He is the Lord and King. He is the Teacher. He is the Leader, and all the works are done only by Him. What prevents you from preaching to the people that the Holy Spirit has come, and that He is the Supernatural Teacher and Doctor who heals and gives good health and life? Do not attribute these works to any other person. Do not preach any other doctrine to the people but rather tell them to repent and be baptized and then they shall be imbued with the Holy Spirit. And He shall reveal Himself to you for He is responsible for all these works. THIS IS NEITHER THE ERA OF MEN, NOR OF PROPHET, NOR APOSTLE, NOR ANGEL, NOR SON. THIS IS PRECISELY THE REIGN OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THOSE WHO BEAR WITNESS ABOUT HIM ARE THE CHILDREN OF GOD. You can now see what distinguishes the Holy Spirit from all those who came before Him. Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Melchizedek, Moses, Elijah and our Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples all came at their respective times, but their power was so feint among men. THERE IS NONE TO COMPARE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. BUT NOW THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS COME IN PERSON AND THE WHOLE WORLD FEELS AND TESTIFIES OF THE WONDERFUL POWER IN BROTHERHOOD. However, the source of this power is what confuses the world. There is power in Brotherhood. They always confess, yet speculate that it is not from God. My question is, if it is not from God, is it from you? If it is from you, let us watch you demonstrate it. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel:THE ERA OF THE HOLY SPIRIT
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 19:32:30 +0000

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