WHO ARE THE PEOPLE BEHIND GENERATING A CONTROVERSY AROUND ASARAM BAPU? Will the real culprits playing from behind the scene be ever punished for assassinating the character of the saint-like figure? Will the Media take the responsibility of taking such people to task, if nothing comes out of the hype created? Innocent persons can well understand the intentions of the people who have tried to raise voice against Asaram Bapu on roads and in the parliament. They have no word to speak against Imams who declared, "Osama bin Laden is not only the inspirational source to the the Muslims of Arabian world, but also to the Muslims of India". The only mala fide intention behind the present imbroglio, to me, appears to prove "EVERYTHING IS WRONG EVERY WHERE". So, believe none, trust none. All are corrupt and immoral. Morality is no issue in India. They want to kill the faith, belief and trust of a common man. Why should distrust be created in the society for a person who enjoys the respect and love of a very large section of the society? Do they have any complaint against his moral teachings? Can they have people waiting to hear them for hours, days and weeks together? Can an immoral person even imagine to attain the level attained by Asaram Bapu? He has done immense service to the society and nation. He must be treated with dignity. The real culprits, if at all existing anywhere, must be punished. But let us not kill our own trust. Let us not feel that there is no ray of hope anywhere. We must set examples of this hope and establish moral values in life through real life examples. People would like to prove u wrong and try to place you in the same line where they are. Think that Your test is on.... like Asaram facing the tests now. BUT, TRUTH WILL ULTIMATELY TRIUMPH. TRUST YOUR DEEDS AND KEEP ADVANCING FEARLESSLY. Remember, if u want to prove u r morally high... u must be ready to face tough tests. No body will pardon even a small mistake of yours. So, be careful in chosing your paths, if u want to lead over others. People want to see u 100 % correct and morally high in your life all through.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 15:54:43 +0000

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