WHO ARE YOUR COACHES AND MENTORS? And what do you want to - TopicsExpress


WHO ARE YOUR COACHES AND MENTORS? And what do you want to acknowledge them for? Here are some of mine: Mom - for giving me LIFE and the fundamental belief that the world is my oyster - and ohh the pearls that have formed! Daddy - for music, literature, wit - and encouraging and believing in me (vicariously living through me perhaps) whatever I did, wherever I roamed My grandmother, June Patton for joy and laughter, and above all enthusiasm - without which, she said, You might as well be dead. Carolyn Hammonds - who gave me a shot at writing and taught me about PR and marketing at Hearst Magazines when I was 19 years old Pat Montandon - for hiring me in my San Francisco student days and showing me that anything - truly anything! - is possible with visualization and energy paired with dogged determination and enthusiasm (God we had fun!) - and that you could be dragged through the mud and still emerge victorious, and laughing. Mayumi Hamada - for introducing me to the greatest network marketing company on the planet and a self-development journey that pays dividends every day of my life John E Thomas - for busting up the morass and breaking up the recurring dialogue of our lives five years ago - when we were so far down the rabbit hole we couldnt see the light - Kirk and I, and our extraordinary little men, Cooper and Bo, are a function of YOUR communication and contribution! Richard Furlanic for your steady ease and clarity which constantly reminds me to appreciate where I am vs angst over where I should be Neva Rayne - for the energy work weve done which released really old sadness and produced shifts in other areas, like my Nu Skin business Ellen Petrillo - my business coach, who looks really sweet and nice but I think she has an inner bulldog who refuses to let me off the hook ;) Would love to hear about your own coaches and mentors!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 13:33:45 +0000

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