WHO CARES 101 SPONSERED BY FRED UNIVERSITY....THE AREAS ONLY DRIVE THRU UNIVERSITY DRIVE THROUGH......F.U. HOCUS POCUS Early jugglers altered a Latin phrase used during Holy Communion. They took the word hocus which means here is the body... and just formed a rhyming word go to with it for their magical presentations resulting in hocus-pocus. The pocus added to it assumedly meant to play close attention to the object. Alternate origin: In the Middle Ages, most people were illiterate and certainly didnt understand Latin, the language of the Catholic mass. During the Eucharist in the mass, the priest would turn away from the congregation and look at the cross, making his words hard to hear and/or understand. When he raised the host (bread), he uttered the words Hoc est corpus mei......, or This is my body...., in Latin. The congregation didnt understand the meaning of the words, but they did know that, somehow through some magic, these words turned the bread into the actual body of Christ, the fantastic magical event of transubstantiation. So, words that sounded like hocus pocus to the illiterate and uneducated masses would enable a magical and miraculous event to transpire, and, presumably, these words were a facilitator or enabler of a magical act or event. MID-TERMS ARE COMING UP.........ANYONE NEED ANY EXTRA CREDIT? MY HOURS ARE POSTED ON THE DRIVE THORUGH WINDOW
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:43:15 +0000

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