WHO CARES! The idea that if people in the countries dont get the - TopicsExpress


WHO CARES! The idea that if people in the countries dont get the cast off clothing to sell will mean someone will put in textile factories and sweatshops is just another way to create slaves. And are they supposed to work naked? WalMart goes everywhere, how come we dont just put in some WalMarts in every place that needs one, and all these developers could hire veterans and build starter homes on ten or twenty acres or in compounds for groups that like to work and stay together. Do not ever forget that the ancient way of raising animals for food in most of these lands is to put the young men out there to watch them, and let the animals live a free life. One comment says that westerners think we know it all and should tell everyone how to live, that is true. Maybe it is time to look at ancient civilizations that got along quite well, no pollution, no over population, no destruction of all the animals, and plants, and even dirt for thousands of years, and most important no nukes! We are in a mess in our so called civilized world, no jobs, no housing, just leave the poor and old out there to die, even the Nazis were kind hearted enough to put them in gas chambers and end the suffering, not just ignore them and cut their food stamps, and benefits. WE, as a world need to rebalance the world, and if NASA is right, and they usually are, we better ALL get to cooling off this planet and STOP testing nukes under the ice caps and in the sea, it has caused horrible warming, what really bothered me was that it was not US nukes being tested, it was British, how come they have nukes? And how come they are testing them? It is time for Chuckie and his Mom to open a tea shop and just be another third world nation. Since the 1913 IRS disgrace from Congress, the US has bothered to make OUR taxpayers pay for THEIR empire, along with a couple others, including Germany..........what? So who really cares if some thrown away clothes help people have enough money to buy food and maybe a window for their cardboard shack. WE, the WEST made that all possible as well.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 19:22:45 +0000

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