WHO CHANGED OUR LOGO IN 1995??? Everything is changing in - TopicsExpress


WHO CHANGED OUR LOGO IN 1995??? Everything is changing in Adventism, even our very Logo, they changed. This makes my heart really sad! People, we are in serious trouble, because we have been infiltrated and all of our teachings have been changed, even our very logo and many more things. Brethren, watch out, because some of our leaders are the ones that are allowing these changes to be made in our churches. Thus we need to seek God for ourselves, before they lead us astray! Notice these quotes from our Prophetess: It was presented before me in the following manner: A large company of heathen idolaters bore a black banner, upon which were figures of the sun, moon, and stars. This company seemed to be very fierce and angry. I was then shown another company bearing a pure white banner, upon which was written, Purity and holiness unto the Lord. Their countenances were marked with firmness and heavenly resignation. I saw the heathen idolaters approach them, and there was a great slaughter. The Christians melted away before them; and yet the Christian company pressed the more closely together, and held the banner more firmly. As many fell, others rallied around the banner and filled their places. (Early Writings 211.3) A company was presented before me under the name of Seventh-day Adventists, who were advising that the banner or sign which makes us a distinctive people should not be held out so strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy in securing success to our institutions. This distinctive banner is to be borne through the world to the close of probation. In describing the remnant people of God, John says, Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus (Revelation 14:12). This is the law and the gospel. The world and the churches are uniting in harmony in transgressing the law of God, in tearing away Gods memorial, and in exalting a sabbath that bears the signature of the man of sin. But the Sabbath of the Lord thy God is to be a sign to show the difference between the obedient and the disobedient. I saw some reaching out their hands to remove the banner, and to obscure its significance. . . . (2 Selected Messages, page: 385.2) We are in danger of becoming a sister to fallen Babylon, of allowing our churches to become corrupted, and filled with every foul spirit, a cage for every unclean and hateful bird; and will we be clear unless we make decided movements to cure the existing evil? {21 Manuscript Releases, page 380.1} Identifying the Three Angels. - Christ is coming the second time, with power unto salvation. To prepare human beings for this event, He has sent the first, second, and third angels messages. These angels represent those who receive the truth, and with power open the gospel to the world. (Letter 79, 1900) and (7BC 978.11) Please watch the Video below to find out what this New Logo represent and please share this information with as many people as you can. Thanks and may God pronounce His blessing upon you for doing so...
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:41:15 +0000

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