WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? BE QUIET! There is many out there telling you to be quiet who do you think you are because you are calling on Jesus Name. My Friends they are just like the group in the Book of Mark 10:46-53 where they Told the blind man to be Silent but he shouted Louder, JESUS JESUS JESUS SON OF DAVID! People can be used by the devil to make you feel worthless and they are so spiritually Blind to its not funny. If you have someone who trying to take your voice and quench it to silence Yoi must Yell Louder because what they are doing my friend and not even knowing must times but satan does and that is to steal your blessing from the Lord JESUS Christ. When you cry out to Jesus like the Blind begger man did and he didnt listen to the people around to be quiet then stepped in Jesus and blind begger threw off his begger clothing that beggars was marked by there clothing they wore and sprang up and stepped to Jesus. Jesus said to him, what do you want me to do for you? Now my friends Jesus Christ is the same then now and forever and he cant give you a Blessing of healing or whatever it may be you need from Jesus if you are being pressured to be quite and you step aside like others want you to do and they try to make you feel your not worthy of being blessed by Jesus but Bam YOU are Worthy of every Promise the Lord has written in his word (Bible) and You are a Child of God and his word says in Matthew 7:7 ASK, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you So when you are feeling the negative tongues upon You SCREAM, JESUS! JESUS! He will hear your voice and like he did and told the blind man what do you want and the blind man said, let me receive my sight. Jesus said to him just as he will You he will say, Go your way your FAITH has made you well. And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the way. Thats the Key dont listen to man because they will keep you stuck like Chuck in misery and hate and Sickness Yell for the Lord and he will always hear you and He Loves You and wants to heal and bless you and the master Key is your FAITH.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 13:10:30 +0000

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