WHO DOES THE PRESIDENT WORK FOR? Remember, the president does - TopicsExpress


WHO DOES THE PRESIDENT WORK FOR? Remember, the president does not work for us (the people). He does not report to or have any obligation to do anything for us. He is just a person that was elected. And now has a lot of power. Who does he work for? He works for the 13 families. The owners of the federal reserve. Why does he work for them and not us? Well, today the control of money still wheels power. This is just so you know whats going on in the back end. So that if weird things happen in congress. Like our constitution being taken away. This way you know who the real bosses are. And it is not us. Ultimately though, we can always take back the power. When we unite, we are unstoppable. Right now, Americans have a pretty easy life (generally speaking). So we are not coming out in large numbers speaking out that our constitutional rights are being taken away. This is just an awareness post. Not negative. Just power. When you have knowledge, you have the power to choose. Just a couple of last minute reminders: The leaders of the democratic and republican parties will in effect be the same person. Not literally the same parson. But the 2 people will make the same laws after becoming president. Because they report to the same people. Their real bosses. After the election of JFK (the last president for the people), the back owners will not take any chances. And with the new electronic voting system, this is pretty much a shoe in of who the bank owners want in there. Electronic numbers can be changed very easily. Rights being taken away: * With the new laws: pretty much anyone can be marked as a terrorist now * Americans can now be held without trial * Anything that you type in on your computer of phone is no longer private Again, this doesnt really affect us going to McDonnells and getting a cheese burger. YET. Or whatever else we do on a daily basis. Well, anyway, What do these bank owners really want? They want more money, more power and more control. And they will not give that up very easily. And they realize that there are way too many people in the world today that can fight back. So if you hear talks of world war 3 going on, remember this is their doing. ALL OF IT. Them meaning the bank owners. Their doing. Their creation. All of it. Countries are pawns in their game. Literally. And America is their pit bull. With a threat of a war, congress will take more of our rights away. More and more people can be detained. This is control. This is perfect for them. This is more power and control for them. With a war we have to borrow more money from the fed reserve and pay back a lot of interest. This is more money for them. As far as whats in store for the future, keep in mind that these people do not value life as we do. So whatever threat of a war, virus or alien invasion you hear, a good rule of thumb is: believe nothing the main stream media says. And believe everything the main stream media is hiding. And find out the truth for yourselves. Right now, we still have the internet. So there is always people posting the truth. And the number 1 most important thing that trumps everything I said above is: No one can touch or harm who you really are. You are an infinite being. That was not born just at your birth. And after your body goes back to the earth, your essence will live on. You are the very fabric that unites everything. In the mean time, we are in these physical bodies. Coming out of bondage, so to speak. But that is just another story. Lets just say for now, we have way more powers than we know. I mean in this lifetime. In these bodies. We are coming in our bodies and our awareness. Things are happening inside of us and around us. These are exciting times. Breathe deep down into your stomach. Feel the vibration of your being. Allow your essence to shine regardless of majority opinion. Ultimately you have the majority option on your side. When you tap into yourself and do your highest good, that is the majority opinion of the beings and life on earth and beyond. I will see you soon my brothers and sisters Quin
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:54:28 +0000

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