WHO HOLDS YOUR TOMORROW? The Master declares, I am A to Z. Im - TopicsExpress


WHO HOLDS YOUR TOMORROW? The Master declares, I am A to Z. Im THE GOD WHO IS, THE GOD WHO WAS, AND THE GOD ABOUT TO ARRIVE. Im the Sovereign-Strong. Revelation 1:8 TM A very popular song says Because He lives I can face tomorrow..... in that song only two characters are mentioned- God and You. This implies that the two people in whose hands your future lies are God and yourself. According to Revelation 1:8, God almighty controls tomorrow. He is the only King who is sure of retaining His throne tomorrow and for eternity. Will it not therefore be wise to commit your unknown future to the hands of the one who has the power to shape all things? Only you can make such a decision. Nobody can force you to thrust your life into the hands of God. Even the Almighty honours your will. Those who put their beliefs in the human connection they have, often find out that man can always disappoint. Today, a lot of graduates who were given promises of better tomorrow by uncles while they were in school are loitering on the streets looking for jobs. Remember that no man can receive anything except it is given from above. God almighty is the only one that guarantees a great future. So, the decision is yours whether or not you want to commit your tomorrow into His able hands (Proverbs 16:3). In this season, as you cooperate with God on issues concerning your future, the Lord will secure a testimony-filled future for you. PRAYER GUIDE 1. Thank you Jesus for this beautiful day. 2. Dear Lord, I commit my tomorrow into your hands. Let it be fashioned your own way. 3. Lord, I am ready to accept your blueprint for my life, therefore reveal it to me. 4. Tell the Lord about your love for Him. 5. Pray for your family members by name. Give God praise. INSPIRING QUOTE Take courage. We walk in the wilderness today and in the promised Land tomorrow. -D.L. Moody
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:55:55 +0000

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