WHO IS A FOOL The Westgate attack struck Kenya by surprise leaving - TopicsExpress


WHO IS A FOOL The Westgate attack struck Kenya by surprise leaving many questions without answers. Kenyans came out in large numbers to stand with their fellow country men. It was yet another time to show solidarity. As time moved on the government emerged, but this time more confused than ever before. Indeed this was trying moments in the land of peace. Terrorists were in town! But how could this happened? Neither the government nor any other would tell apart from the attackers. We all had hope and so we kept holding on. But one side was playing a fool or being fooled. So, many conflicting reports started to show up. But what got the attention of everyone was the government reports. How could the government play a fool on such an issue? I truely dont know. This was not over untill the Al-shabaab came up with their own report. Oh no! How could these heartless people be twitting and bragging on social media? All through the constipation continued! Thank you, the government was here again, not far away from the usual. CONFUSED AGAIN. So just who is being fooled:the government, the al-shaabab or the innocent citizens. Many questions remain un-touched; 1. What did the government know about the attack? 2. Were there any hostages or Terrorists in the mall? 3. How many people lost their lives? 4. Did the millitary use any explosives in the mall? 5. Who caused fire in the mall? These are question the government is yet to respond to. Kenya is waiting.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 07:23:36 +0000

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