WHO IS A TRUE YOGI AND GURU ACCORDING BAGAVAD GEETA We are facing so many confusions and problems and doubts to recognize a true guru and yogi in this Modern world, but in Bagavad geeta and in shastras are defined a true yogi and guru and his qualities. Supreme bliss comes to a Self-realized yogi whose mind is tranquil, whose desires are under control, and who is free from faults or sin. (6.27) Such a sinless yogi, who constantly engages his or her mind and intellect in Self-awareness, enjoys the eternal bliss of contact with the Self. (6.28) A yogi who is in union with the Supreme Being sees every being with an equal eye because of perceiving the omnipresent Supreme Being (or the Self) abiding in all beings and all beings abiding in the Supreme Being. (6.29) Perception of oneness of the Self in every being is the highest spiritual perfection. Sage Yajnavalkya said: A wife does not love her husband because of his or her physical satisfaction. She loves her husband because she feels the oneness of her soul with his soul. She is merged in her husband and becomes one with him . The foun¬dation of Vedic marriage is based on this noble and solid rock of soul culture and is unbreakable. Trying to develop any meaningful human relationship with¬out a firm understanding of the spiritual basis of all relationships is like trying to water the leaves of a tree rather than the root. When one perceives one’s own higher Self in all peo¬ple and all people in one’s own higher Self, then one does not hate or injure anybody . Eternal peace belongs to those who perceive God existing within everybody as Spirit . One should love oth¬ers, including the enemy, because all are your own self. Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you is not only one of the no¬blest teachings of the Bible, but is an elementary idea common to all paths leading to God. When one realizes that his or her very self has become everything, whom shall one hate or punish? One does not break the teeth that bite the tongue. When one perceives none other than one’s own Lord abiding in the entire universe, with whom shall one fight? One should not only love the roses, but love the thorns also. One who sees One in all and all in One, sees the One everywhere. To fully under¬stand this and to experience the oneness of individual soul and the Supersoul, is the highest achievement and the only goal of human birth . In the fullness of one’s spiritual development, one finds that the Lord, who resides in one’s own heart, resides in the hearts of all others---the rich, the poor, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians, the persecuted, the persecutor, the saint, and the sinner. Therefore, to hate a single person is to hate Him. This re¬aliza¬tion makes one a truly humble saint. One who realizes that the Supersoul is all-pervading and is none other than one’s own individual self, bereft of all impurities collected over various incarnations, attains immortality and bliss. One, who sees Me everywhere (and in everything) and beholds everything as a part and parcel of Me, is not separated from Me, and I am not separated from him. (6.30) 23-11-2014 (SUNDAY) SAT GURU SATYA SAIS BIRTH DAY
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 08:21:27 +0000

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