WHO IS AFRAID OF GENERAL MUHAMMADU BUHARI? I think the only big - TopicsExpress


WHO IS AFRAID OF GENERAL MUHAMMADU BUHARI? I think the only big issue which people sweep under the carpet - and that is because either they are directly affected or their loved ones will be - is that somebody like Buhari may decide to just turn into one JJ Rawlings and begin to ask everybody from 1960, including himself, to account for their stewardship if he gets into power. If he enunciates a self cleansing system for the good of all Nigerians,. let it consume him and the rest who have played any roles - NEGATIVELY - if they fail to give a good account of their stewardship. You may be quick to ask me what will be the yardstick of that self cleansing system? I will ask you to be a little patient with me and go into history. Similarities abound. And that is why I do not bother about all the tags - using Nicks language - Buhari has received in the recent time. I was a witness to what him and late Tunde Idiagbon were about to do when the crazy politicians engineered a coup that removed them under certain flimsy excuse of 53 suitcases. Meanwhile, it was the same politicians who beckoned on him to sweep power from Shagari under all manner of gimmicks thinking that when he comes in, he will either hand over power to them or spare them in the cleansing. It is true that such cleansing will have casualties amongst the good guys but no greatness comes without elements of sacrifice. For instance, he clamped Chief Alex Ekwueme into prison and after all computations, it was discovered that VP Ekwueme moved down from his N11 million base to N7 million after becoming a VP for over four years and everybody who knew Ekwueme knew that he is not like the current day politicians who see politics through the prisim of business and not service. That would be a sore moment to Ekwueme and his generation, but the Ekwueme we know will be fine if that change went through and produced a new Nigeria. Did Ekwuwme not receive the worst indignation from PDP recently? And has he not been receiving such up till now? There was the other account by Prof. Walter Ofonagoro, where it was alleged that reason for the porch by Gen. Buhari and co was that they sensed that power was inching close to the South East. All these odious reasons were, as far as I am concerned, manufactured to give a dead dog a bad name so that it will be buried without the owner asking questions. We have also seen how every thing is being tied on the neck of this General because people do not know how far he can go if he gets to power in terms of cleansing Nigeria of her demonic tendencies being place on her by none other than the political elites. We have been told how he will Islamize all of us, all in the bid to further trivialize his perception and vitiate his fellowship. I still do not bother if he becomes the next president. That he toppled a democracy that has left people wondering if they still understand the tenets of a modern democracy is not my problem in any vein. And that is where I tarry with my friend Niyi on his warning about our definition of democracy. If USA does not care that Saudi Arabia is running a family business called government, where is the universal definition of democracy and why should people hide under any mirage to inflict pains on their fellow country men and women, young and generations unborn in the name one wacky arrangement touted as democracy. Does it really make sense that people look outside integrity and capacity to say that North must rule, then South and things like that.? Did President Obama become the President of the the worlds number one democracy on the rhetoric of North, South, religion, tribe and color? Democracy is not when people begin to roast their citizenry in a frying pan and using that to discredit what happened that pushed General Buhari to act when he did, even at the invitation of politicians. And there was a thunderous ovation at that point. Which Ghanians, except a very few, who paid the supreme sacrifice that made Ghana turn around to what it is today that will not want JJ Rawlings to come back and head them? I I have a good number of Ghanians and I know their feeling towards Jerry Rawlings. But I know cynics will begin to insert that Ghana is not Nigeria, a notion we use often to deceive ourselves. So when I see very young people who claim to have gotten education and as such they can make gesture of General Buhari, I only feel that they are not vast in knowledge and exposure or they are neck deep in the rot.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 14:15:25 +0000

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