WHO IS IN CONTROL ? [Re-posting for consideration and with a - TopicsExpress


WHO IS IN CONTROL ? [Re-posting for consideration and with a request for suggestions so that this can be made more appropriate] Please go through the following macroscopic and microscopic facts: 1. The Universe is expanding on their own at a speed which even we cannot conceive of. 2. All the planets and their satellites in the solar system are functioning on their own. 3. The earth is revolving around the sun on their own. 4. The earth is rotating on its axis on their own. 5. The gravitational pull/force is always in action in the whole universe on their own. 6. The sun is shining and radiating light, heat and many other rays (out of which a small no. is known) on their own. 7. The air takes various forms like wind, storm, hurricane, etc. on their own. 8. The volcanoes occur on their own. 9. The tsunamis come on their own. 10. The earthquakes occur on their own. 11. The fire in the forest happens on their own. 12. The space is there on its own and does never gets affected by anything. 13. The rocks are getting converted into soil on their own. 14. The plants (grass, shrubs, trees, etc.) grow on their own. 15. The rivers, glaciers, etc. forming and existing on their own. 16. All the natural phenomena whether beneficial to humans/animals or not occur on their own. 17. At microscopic level also electrons are moving in their orbits around the nucleus on their own at the speed of light. 18. The atoms/molecules are arranged in a way giving rise to a certain shape and size of the things and are bound by certain known/unknown forces on their own. 19. The human body or any animal body is made up of trillions of independent (here by independent I mean a cell can remain alive even if it is taken out from "where it is"....means among the cells) living cells and all of these cells are combined with each other forming a body mass…the force by which they are bound with each other is perhaps still unknown…. one theory says (perhaps some religious one) cells are there to help each other in order to survive .. other theory by one scientist postulated in 1992 and now being on the verge of acceptance...says they are bound with each other due to fear of death. But one thing is certain that this force is active on its own. 20. A no. of microorganisms (bacteria) in trillions of trillions in no. are helping the live bodies in living them from inside and outside without which the body cannot survive and all is involuntary. 21. Even after the so called death of the body, the organisms appear from nowhere in the body and thrive on the dead body and recycle the dead body. 22. Birth, growth, death, etc….all continuous chain of events which we call life is unstoppable and are going on their own. 23. Only the humans consider/accept/think/understand that there is someone who is controlling all these things. We further think that we do exercise control over many phenomena, but if that is scrutinized/investigated deeply it will be found first that up to certain extent we do have some control. But if we go further/deeper into the matter, ultimately we come to such a situation where only hopelessness/helplessness is seen so far as having control is concerned and it is realized that nothing is in anyone’s control. Even the control up to certain extent seen/felt was in the first step was only because we did not consider a no. of known/unknown factors (circumstances/forces in action) which were controlling the happening of events. NO ONE IS IN CONTROL AS THERE IS NO ONE THERE TO CONTROL ALL HAPPENS ON ITS OWN, IF AT ALL ANYTHING HAPPENS
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 05:17:36 +0000

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