WHO IS OBED EDOM? Brethren, We should always bear in mind that - TopicsExpress


WHO IS OBED EDOM? Brethren, We should always bear in mind that Gods grace has appeard for our abhorrent past and background to disappear. Anything contrary to this may be an attempt to frustrate the grace of God upon our lives. Both in scriptures and real life, we can clearly see Gods grace in action; how He called sinful people to himself and lavished his grace upon them. Murderers like Moses and Paul became great vessels. Paul clearly described himself as the worst of sinners -A slave does not a say in his place of captivity but Joseph, Daniel, Esther, Hannaniah, Azaria, Mishael etc were taken into slavery, yet favour found them -Solomon and Jephtah were perhaps illegitimate children but God loved them and made them great.. I can go on and on to give instances but lets go straight to the story of this young man called Obed-edom. Who is he? Ive taught this in the past. Obed-edom is an unpopular bible character yet his story is a striking one full of lessons The name Obed-edom first appeard in 1Chronicles 13:13 during King Davids first attempt to move the ark of the covenant back to Jerusalem. something happened on their way home: 1 Chronicles 13:9 And when they came to childons threshing floor, Uzza put out his hand to hold the ark, for the oxen stumbled. Then the anger of God was aroused againste Uzza, and He struck him because he put his hand to the ark; and he died there before God. So Uzza has just lost his life for a seemingly good deed. But whatever reason why God smote him, his death certainly brought salvation to a CURSED household Obed-edom? From his name, Obed means SLAVE and of course, edom identified him as an Edomite- children of Esau, an enemy of Jacob who was later changed to Israel Verse 13 called him a Gittite this means hes from Gath, the place of one of israels notable enemy- Goliath - Note that the ark symbolized Gods presence. So David took Gods presence to the house of Gods enemy as well as enemies of Israel. Considering this kind of background, one can say there is nothing good about him but God thinks otherwise. When people look down on you for whatever reason, understand that God has the final judgment in your life. David meant evil for Obed-edom and his family to have taken the ark another mans house to destroy him but God meant otherwise- rather than destroy Obed-edom, he showed mercy, favour, and grace Say to someone sitting next to you: God is not interested in the life i lived under the bondage of sin; Hes not interested in where i come from, Hes interested in my availability The ark only stumbled. It did not fall. Dont be too overfamiliar with God; God is not happy when we make unecessary show of our skills, Hes not moved by them. Uzza was a levite skilled in the ministering of the ark but he forgot that God earlier instructed them not to touch the ark When we get overfamiliar with God were bound to commit grave errors Uzza acted as though he knew when he knew not and paid with his life. God interestingly accepted the service and ministeration of an incoherent but humble Obed-edom The levites through their skill and knowledge of the law minister to the ark, how then did Obed-edom who was a total stranger to the ordinances of God manage to take care of the ark for three months? 1 Chronicles 13:14 The ark of God remained with the family of Obed-Edom in his house three months. And the Lord blessed the house of Obed-edom and all that he had. God blessed Obed-edoms business, his children, his wife and all his possession. If you read further youll find out that he later joined the Israelites and was promoted to a high priestly cadre. He served God faithfully together with his family Bro/Sis, when Satan comes to remind you of your in bondage, tell him the story of Obed-edom, Moses, Saul of Tarsus and better still, remind of CALVARY Thats the way to build a happy life and consolidate on a mind void of offence God always offer sinners an opportunity to taste his goodness and hes calling many to salvation today just like Obed-edom He changed his destiny and family legacy. it was recorded that his children and grand children served with him in the house of God. He reversed the course that was placed on the people of Edom (unbelievers) and found his destiny. Remember, Obed-edom could have protested when David brought the ark. He couldve called his people for help What!? You wanna destroy me and my family? now take this bulshit out of my house! But acted differently MAY WE NOT REJECT GODS GRACE IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS!
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 19:46:50 +0000

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