WHO IS PRESIDENT JONATHAN DECEIVING HERE? WEAK CHRISTIANS OF COURSE! Olawole Abiola aptly captured it thus: Musing on Buharis Fanaticism. Calvary greetings to my Brethren, aboruboye to all Orunmilas adherents and Asalam ailekum to my Muslim Jummah! We often hear that General Buhari is a Fanatic and that he is too pro north. Connected to this, is the unfounded claim that he will Islamize Nigeria when he is elected President. As a born again spirit filled Christian, the Holy Spirit directed me to take time to really investigate the antecedents of this man to determine whether he is indeed afanatic and a pro north person as we are being told and here is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me in the course of my spirit filled exercise . The northern elite are not too disposed to General Buhari’s aspiration. Why? The answer is simple! Unlike many northern Muslims of his caliber, General Buhari is not a member of the northern elite Muslim umbrella body, Jammaatul Nasri Islamiyya (JNI). Buhari was, on this account, dismissed as “nominal Muslim, who is not a member of any organisation and only attend mosque to pray and get out. He is also not a member of the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) which is the umbrella body of the North. He is also not a member of the Northern Elders Forum(NEF). ACF is headed by Alh Ibrahim Commasie while NEF is headed by Alh Tanko Yakassai. If you are in doubt, consult these guys. To him, he is a Nigerian irrespective of the accident of history that made him a Northerner and a Muslim. His constituency is the entire country and that as a disciplined soldier, he was trained to be nationalistic in outlook. After all, during his days as a soldier fighting the Biafran war, he was in the trenches with the likes of Matthew Olutoye,Oluleye ,Olusegun Obasanjo,Murtala Mohammed, David Ejoor(Itsekiri/ Christian), Theophilus Danjuma(Jukun,C hristian from Taraba) and John Shagaya (Christian from Jos). He is also fond of asking if there is any bullet meant for a muslim or Christian. As matter of fact, the shrapnel that is still lodged in General Obasanjos groin till today could have hit him if not for his defensive manoeuvre! Does poverty discriminate between Christian or muslim? Those stealing your money, he asked, do they argue about religion when allocating oil wells and contracts to themselves? Is the Bazzar in PDP no presided over by a Muslim? So far, how many christain National Chairman has PDP produced since 1999? In fact, it would be recalled that in the run up to the 2007 presidential election where General Buhari ran against the late Umoru Yar’Adua, GMB curiously had to endure religious mistrust among the northern Muslim elite. General Buharis support base is drawn from the ranks of the ordinary Nigerians, the working people, the masses, the hoi polloi, the proleteriats, the oppressed muslims and Christians(who have since discovered that religion is a smokescreens of the elites for stealing). No ethnic or religious body is threatening fire and brimstones for him. Ayo Oritsejafor is GEJs contact person in the Christendom. NASFAT,JNI,Alas alatu, MSSN and other Muslim groups are not in anyway campaigning for General Buhari. I cant remember the last time, any Islamic Cleric yielded the pulpit for General Buhari to make political statements in the mosque in the name of delivering special message. Till date, General Buhari either in or out of office has not travelled with a jet or plane load of Islamic scholars,clerics and Imams to Saudi Arabia for Holy Pilgrimage which is obligatory for every Muslim according to the Sunnah and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (PBOH). Whenever he goes to Saudi Arabia, he goes solo. According to him, religion is personal. Do I need to snap pictures in Kabbah(the holy Mosque) to tell the world that I am a Muslim? He asked. In fact, if I do that God will punish me. God hates hypocrisy! On the reverse, our beloved President Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe,Nnamdi Jonathan is a member of the following associations: Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Pentecostal Christian Fellowship (PFN), Scripture Union (SU), South South Peoples Assembly (SSPA) headed by Idongesit Nkanga, and IJAW National Congress(INC).Of course, Our beloved president equally has ethnic entrepreneurs like one Mujahideen named Alh Asari dokubo, Pa Edwin Clark and other ethnic warlords in Afenifere beating the drums of war in his support and telling us that Nigeria will sink if he is not re elected. Only yesterday, ex Militants threatened to burn down the National Assembly, if GEJ is impeached. Doyin and Ruben are yet to distance the President from these individuals. We all know that year in year out, President GEJ now makes it a norm to travel to Isreal,Jerusalem,River Jordan and Bethlehem for Holy Pilgrimage. This is good. We need a spiritually fortified President but what is bad is the way an exercise which should be devoid of drama is now turned into a photo shooting session where photos of the President praying is splashed on social media. But the Bible admonished us not to pray like the Hypocrites. Aside from this, all the men of God in the Christiandom including Pastor Oritsejafor all scramble for a space in Nigeria 001 in bid to travel with our Christian President. Can we all close our eyes to the fact that the President in five years have attended almost all the Churches in Nigeria, preaching his political sermon. He has attended ECWA, Redemption Camp, Goshen, Holy ghost camp, Synagogue Church,Winners Chapel, Fire on the Mountain Ministry, Mountain of Fire, Agbala Itura, World of Life Ministry(Ayo oristejafor), and others too numerous to mention here. He is yet to visit the Pope in Rome! When he does, Im sure, well see the pictures of him kneeling before the Holy Father. What is he looking for? Votes from the Christiandom? Religion is indeed the opium of the people. So where are these enemies of Nigeria getting this unproved allegation that Buhari is a fanatical Muslim and that he is too pro north from? If a man who was a Military President with all the powers available to him and was also supported by the no nonsense Tunde Idiagbon(anothe r Muslim)but couldnt Islamize Nigeria, how will that be possible now given the clear provisions of the constitution and the diversity of the National Assembly? Abeg make una shine una eyes! The hood doesnt make the monk! Run from Christians/Muslims who call the name of Allah/God when they dont mean it! DAZZOL!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 14:46:10 +0000

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